High Standard Mallards


In the Brooder
5 Years
Apr 29, 2014
Holden Massachusetts
So, I got a bunch of babies to raise in April, half are mallards and the other half are swedish and pekin. There are are 15 of them, I was hoping that the mallards would take off in the fall, so that it would cut my care for the ducks in the winter in half. BUT since I make sure my ducks had more than what they need and spend a lot of time with them. I am starting to be convinced that my mallards aren't going anywhere. Which is not a problem, but I have always heard and saw on websites and owners that mallards will leave because they are wild.
I let all my ducks free range on 3+ acre land, and there is a pond for them to play in and a kitty pool for when the pond dries up. They scavenge all day but they demand a grain based pellet. and they all demand it. they will go up to my back porch and demand food.
The mallards now can fly as well, and they fly at every chance they get, and they have flown right next to me. they act just like my other ducks.
I guess what I am trying to get at is that has anyone had mallards that just didn't leave? my mallards basically have no real reason to leave, they have everything plus more. I am also concerned that if they do leave at this point, they will have this high standard expectation every where they go. I joke that they better end up in Disney World for the winter, because these ducks are demanding and enjoy the finer things in life, and I've been to disney and I've seen the mallards there have got it made. I am mostly worried though is if they do leave they will come back with their new boyfriends and girlfriends and I will way more ducks. I could be just paranoid, I just would like to know what other people's mallards are like, and if your ducks do leave, do they come back?
Most commercially available mallards are so far removed from wild stock that they are quite willing to stay as backyard ducks.
Well thats strange...
This is splash with his mate that flew off.. splash stayed and learned to fly out of our backyard with a "6" foot fence he flew too our neighbors and we were trying to catch him and he flew off! He was gone that night and then came back in the neighbors yard to trying to get into our yard, we walked him in the gate... Sadly Splish has not returned.. (this pic was taken 2 months from now)

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