Do you like hiking!?

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Hubby takes our border collie and corgi for a walk every single day. I go along sometimes. We live in the country so there's the road that only gets 12 cars a day at best, or we'll drive somewhere else and walk along a river and some waterfalls. It's not only healthy for the body, but it's good for the mind too. ☺️
That sounds pretty 😍
Anyone ever been to Banff or Glacier too? My mom loved it out there too and I’ve always wanted to go out there too.
We were hiking in WV when we bought our land last September and we came across a river. Out in the middle was a river otter! Not something you see here in northern Ohio, I was very excited to see it. I have pictures but it was too far away, you can't see it in the pictures
We were hiking in WV when we bought our land last September and we came across a river. Out in the middle was a river otter! Not something you see here in northern Ohio, I was very excited to see it. I have pictures but it was too far away, you can't see it in the pictures
Aww I love otters!!! One of my favorite animals.
I love hiking! I used to live in Western Washington, and imo, it’s one of the best hiking areas in the US. The Olympics and Cascades have hundreds of trails. I really want to hike the Pacific Crest trail someday, I’ve been on parts of it, but not all. Unfortunately I now live hours from mountains, and it’s not that fun hiking in dead grass 🤪 I need to go on a hike with my older brother, he’s been talking about it quite a lot lately. Now isn’t the right time of year to go up in the mountains, obviously, but maybe late spring or summer we can.
I love hiking! I used to live in Western Washington, and imo, it’s one of the best hiking areas in the US. The Olympics and Cascades have hundreds of trails. I really want to hike the Pacific Crest trail someday, I’ve been on parts of it, but not all. Unfortunately I now live hours from mountains, and it’s not that fun hiking in dead grass 🤪 I need to go on a hike with my older brother, he’s been talking about it quite a lot lately. Now isn’t the right time of year to go up in the mountains, obviously, but maybe late spring or summer we can.
That sounds fun!!! I hope you can!!!

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