Hinny ducks

Are you asking what breeds work best for egg production?
If so, muscovy are not the best choice as they tend to be seasonal layers and can be very broody (they will stop laying when broody)

If you want eggs year round, I would suggest khaki campbells, welsh harlequins, white layers or golden 300s. They will lay steady and give you an egg a day for a good 3-4 years (minus molting of course)
The female muscovy is still going to be the limiting factor with eggs.
If you already have hinny ducks, then no clue, but I'd guess if you mated a male of a breed that was known for egg laying, maybe the hinny duck might be more apt to lay more eggs, but not sure it works that way.
Are you saying you want to hatch hinnies? And you want to know what mallard drake and muscovy hen would give the best egg production in the hinnies? I would do as TLWR suggested and find a drake from a breed that is know for egg laying.

Are you after hinnies for any particular reason as opposed to just starting with a good egg laying breed?
I wanted hinnies because I find them beautiful but I heard something about the scovie might kill the chicks because they don't squeak or something I dunno ???
I honestly don't know much about them. I think it's a good idea to keep a close eye on any new mother anyway. Just because a duck incubates eggs well doesn't mean she will be a good mother. You could always let the duck incubate the eggs and then brood them yourself if that is a big issue with hatching hinnies.
Ok. So you are asking what breed of drake would be best to mate with female muscovy to create a heavy egg laying hinnie?

In my experience, the hinnies tend to be more like their mother when it comes to laying eggs. So seasonal, roughly 100-150 eggs per year no matter what breed you use as the drake.
If you want a production breed that lays year round and LOTS of eggs, go with one of the breeds I mentioned above. No reason to go with muscovy crosses. The only thing they are really good for are lawn ornaments and meat.
Ok. So you are asking what breed of drake would be best to mate with female muscovy to create a heavy egg laying hinnie?

In my experience, the hinnies tend to be more like their mother when it comes to laying eggs. So seasonal, roughly 100-150 eggs per year no matter what breed you use as the drake.
If you want a production breed that lays year round and LOTS of eggs, go with one of the breeds I mentioned above. No reason to go with muscovy crosses. The only thing they are really good for are lawn ornaments and meat.

I bet they could make pretty nice pets though. I love mutt ducks :)
i need a pretty duck that is quiet lays fairly well has any one got any pics of runners x scovies

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