Homemade incubator experiment

it’s day 23 for the little eggs and sadly we’re down to just one because the other egg just died which I know can happen in the final stages. The last remaining egg is active and doing good so looks like I’m gonna have to get them a friend when they hatch so they aren’t lonely
I was hoping you would have a great hatch rate and sorry you're down to one egg! I hope it pips soon! I keep forgetting you're hatching duck eggs not chickens sorry!
So, bad news, the last little baby passed away, but I did figure out why the last three passed away. Apparently the thermometer I was using is off by three degrees so instead of being 99, they were at 96 and apparently that was just too cold for the little ones to last long. But now that I know my mistake I can correct it and try with a different batch of eggs
So, bad news, the last little baby passed away, but I did figure out why the last three passed away. Apparently the thermometer I was using is off by three degrees so instead of being 99, they were at 96 and apparently that was just too cold for the little ones to last long. But now that I know my mistake I can correct it and try with a different batch of eggs
Mine are Always at 96/97 and hatch.. best tem for hatching is 99, 5 but chicks tend to hatch from 95 to 103.
it works, but it is definitely something you have to monitor very closely and have good breeding stock for. humidity can be hard to control but once you get down a routine its easy

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