Homemade incubator experiment

I was just gonna leave it open since I wanted to monitor them during the hatching process and since I don’t have a lid on it I have it well protected by drafts. I do have a lid half covering it atm the moment tho. My only problem right now is that the temp is reading higher than it has in the past 14 days no matter where I situate it so I think my thermometer I have in there broken but I can’t go and get a new one since I’m currently sick and stuck at home with Covid symptoms
I was just gonna leave it open since I wanted to monitor them during the hatching process and since I don’t have a lid on it I have it well protected by drafts. I do have a lid half covering it atm the moment tho. My only problem right now is that the temp is reading higher than it has in the past 14 days no matter where I situate it so I think my thermometer I have in there broken but I can’t go and get a new one since I’m currently sick and stuck at home with Covid symptoms
Oh no! I'm so sorry you have Covid !I hope you get better soon!Wishing you the best with your hatch too.
It’s currently day 18 for the little eggs
Out of the five eggs I set I am now down to two healthy and thriving little ones who should make it to lockdown without no problems. The third egg just up and died for some reason the other day so hopefully I tossed it fast enough that the two healthy eggs won’t be affected by a dead egg next to them. What day would you say is the best to put them into lockdown? Day 26?
it’s day 23 for the little eggs and sadly we’re down to just one because the other egg just died which I know can happen in the final stages. The last remaining egg is active and doing good so looks like I’m gonna have to get them a friend when they hatch so they aren’t lonely

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