Homemade Yogurt **Updated** Cheese and Buttermilk

Miss Prissy, when you use frozen yogurt cultures to make the yogurt, do you thaw it or just pop into the mix frozen and wait for dissolve? I froze about 1/2 the origional carton and am now getting to where i'm gonna have to break out the cubes (you're good...2 tbs fits into a ice cube tray perfect!)
Thanks for this wonderful recipe, Miss Prissy!

I am making my second batch this morning. You are right, homemade yogurt doesn't have that sour taste that you get from store-bought!

Many thanks!
I just made a batch this morning as well! I found a new starter yogurt at the local health food store that claims to have 8 live cultures! It was a bit more sour than my favorite starter, the French Creamline from Trader Joe's. That one is smooth and yummy but only has 4 live cultures.

Can't wait to see how this one turns out. It has only been in the cooler (which is a bit of an oxymoron given that it isn't exactly cool in there) for an hour, so I'll have to wait a while to find out for sure.

By the way, this same health food store sells raw organic milk. The small container (1/2 gallon???) is $8.50! Ouch! I haven't gotten up the nerve to buy it to try it.
I made my first batch from my goats milk the other day. Either i didn't let it set long enough, the sugar i added (a tad too much..oopse!) goofed me up, or something i didn't do screwed it up, but it was runny. NOT bad (we ate it anyway with smoothies, and froze part of it for frozen yogurt
) but when you goat raisers make it homemade, do you change anything?
Oh, you need to read through the entire thread. Goat milk doesn't set as thick as cow milk. If you want thick yogurt from the goat milk you have to increase the powdered milk.

Try it again with more powder.

Another thing - 75% of the world population drinks and uses goats milk. Yogurt in other parts of the world is my runny a little 'slimey' tectured thanm what we are used to with the cow milk. Have you eaten in an indian or turkish restaurant with goat milk yogurt? It will be far more runny than what we think yogurt should be.
Ah yes, thanks, i'll give it another go (when i convince the kids I need their mama's milk more than they do)! I have read the entire thread, apparently i forgot a portion of it, LOL Any ideas on how much more powdered milk? Another 1/4-1/2 cup? I have not eaten in a turkish restraunt, but thinking back i have heard people comment on it in the past. Guess i remember things when i want to, LOL Thanks Miss Prissy
Double it. It will set up really firm closer to what you might get commercially. If you find it too thick then you can cut back from there and find a happy medium.

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