Homemade Yogurt **Updated** Cheese and Buttermilk

Woot! DIY yogurt is a hit the world over
Amen, mamaKate.

Price wise you can't beat homemade - especially if yo have a dairy animal.

Taste wise homemade wins handsdown.
Has anyone made yogurt in their incubator?

I made an incubator (Thanks to Miss Prissy and others

And before I used it for eggs..Made some yogurt with it..hehe

Just adjusted the thermostat..
My yogurt maker is an old cooler and the old base to a Hamilton Beach crock pot. I heat the cream (or half and half), inoculate it with either some starter yogurt or dry culture, put it in a big ceramic dish with a lid and place it in the cooler. The Crock Pot base gets put on the lowest setting (1) and is stood up against one side. I cover it all with a thick towel and leave it over night. It holds the temp at exactly 110º. The next day I drain it in a strainer lined with cheese cloth so it ends up the consistency of cream cheese

MY last batch was 2 quarts half and half, a 1/2 gallon of Hood low carb milk, a quart of heavy whipping cream and 2 cans of condensed goat milk. All that stuff (except the goat milk) was bought on deeply discounted clearance and needed to be used up right away.

It was delicious!!!

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