Homemade Yogurt **Updated** Cheese and Buttermilk

Okay, so maybe I missed something in the thread, but I don't want to read 90 pages..... so can I keep my yogurt warm somewhere else besides a cooler? Like maybe on the warming shelf of my cookstove?

I made it once before this way, but it was fairly runny. Is that just because I didn't add powdered milk?

Thanks for the recipes Miss Prissy. I use yogurt and buttermilk all the time, and the stonyfield farms IS the best. I eat the plain kind with granola.
If your warming shelf stays between 105 - 110 that will work. Much higher will kill the yogurt enzymes and it won't make yogurt. Much cooler and they won't grow efficiently and you'll have soured milk before you have yogurt.

There are many ways to incubate the mix.

Let us know how it works.
Miss Prissy I am marching myself out the door tomorrow to get my hens a bag of layer mash and myself a yogurt maker! I can't wait. I like to eat yogurt with fruit, honey or granola on it too!!!!
Miss Prissy do you hang the bag in the frig or leave it out in the kitchen? I looked at other resipes and they are even ly split between the two.
I hang mine on the facuet in the kitchen sink and catch the whey in a bowl. Chickens love the juice!

Buggirl - you can make do with some jars of hot water. You don't have to buy a yogurt maker.
I know, but I have had my eye on this one for awhile..besides I got it and love it. Thanks for all the great recipes and advice. MissPrissy is the best!
Oh and the whey will be used for sure in baking...pizza dough anyone!
I have a question re "The Buttermilk Project"

To make more must we start with another commercial carton of buttermilk or is it possible to use the one that we've made?
Sorry if this is a no brainer, quess I could try using my B but thought that I'd take a shortcut and maybe save on milk (serious snow storm here now) by asking.

I do think this thread should keep bumping upward, don't you?

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