Homemade Yogurt **Updated** Cheese and Buttermilk

FOund the directions online and am making that this weekend! I'm a crock-pot-a-holic, lol. I LOVE my crock pot so anytime I see something unique to try, it gets me all excited. I'll PM you with the results!
I agree also that homemade food is the best.

This weekend I made Chevre Cheese from my goat milk for the first time. It was wonderful. I made a chedder dip from it for the Super Bowl. That was also good. I am looking forward to learning more about making my own food from my own farm.

I also got great news for the future of our little farm. My father told me that he is giving my son a Milking shorthorn calf when his cows calve this spring. I can't wait. When she gets bigger, I will have fresh cows milk.
I just have to let you all know that I have hit pay dirt with Miss Prissy's yogurt recipe. I have been making it here and there, mostly for the chickens because it kept being too sour/tart for my liking. I recently tried whole milk from a local dairy that doesn't use hormones, antibiotics, etc. and it turned out sooooo good - creamy, thick, and not too tart. I thought it was probably just a fluke and I wouldn't be able to duplicate it again, but I made it again last night and it turned out just as wonderful as the last batch. I haven't added anything except whole milk, powdered milk, and the yogurt culture - no sweetening or anything - incubating it overnight - and it is mild tasting. I never thought I'd be able to tolerate plain yogurt, but this is unlike anything I've ever tasted, yogurt-wise. I've been adding a spoonful of strawberry freezer jam and a handful of GoLean Crunch and I've been in heaven. My husband, who has been skeptical of my yogurt attempts even has raved about it. So for all you lurkers who are reading this thread who've tried it and didn't like it, don't give up! Keep trying different brands/fat contents of milk and/or different brands of starter yogurt. I'm so glad I did! I'd like to try lower fat content milk, but the whole milk has turned out so yummy, I almost don't want to mess with a good thing! Thanks Miss Prissy and all you others for inspiring and encouraging us to try new things
Chopped fresh herbs are a great addition
Depending on what one uses this for lemon juice can be used instead of vinegar
Works with cows milk
Even works with storebought
Miss Prissy, did you say somewhere in these 90+ pages that you can freeze the Stonyfield yogurt that you use as a starter? If so, I'm assuming you just scoop out the necessary amount and let it thaw (in the fridge or counter?) when you're ready to use it?
I freeze mine in ice cube trays then pop them out and put them in freezer baggies. I take out a few and let them thaw and come up to room temp then use them to make more yogurt.
This may have been mentioned somewhere in the previous 93 pages but if you line a colander with cheesecloth and let the yogurt strain for 2 hours you have the extremely expensive, healthy, delicious Greek yogurt that everyone's so into these days!
It's a great dessert with a little honey and chopped almonds on top. Save the whey for the chickens, or breadmaking!

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