Homemade Yogurt **Updated** Cheese and Buttermilk

I just did this over the weekend. I used store-bought plain organic yogurt. Left it drip at room temperature for about 24 hours. It is a bit more bitey than cream cheese but very good with the sweet pepper relish I blended in for a cracker dip.

Is there any use for the yogurt water???
I just had to post - I've tried making the fresh mozzarella cheese 4 different times using different milk each time - each one a failure. Not one to give up, I found a dairy that sells raw cow's milk and just made a batch - it worked!!!!! I've wasted alot of milk (and money) experimenting and trying to find what I did wrong, but each time, now that I see what it's supposed to look like, I think it was the milk. Even though it didn't say UP (ultra pasturized) on any of the cartons, I still think my failures resulted from the milk. So I just want to encourage anyone who has tried the cheese and failed - don't give up! "If at first you don't succeed try, try again!" Making pizza tonight
Congratulations! Isn't fresh mozzarella wonderful? I think it tastes so good because I made it.
You had success much quicker than I did. It took me over a year and many, many attempts. Thankfully, we have our own milk cow.

We just finished homemade pizza with homemade mozzarella. YUM


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