Homemade Yogurt **Updated** Cheese and Buttermilk

I made *Buttermilk* today.
So excited cuz it was my 1st try with my Fresh Goats Milk, but my question is Can you freeze some Buttermilk for starter later? Like you can for Yogurt?
If you leave it longer in the cooler then it does get stronger. I just leave mine in the cooler until it just sets. Depending on the weather outside, sometimes it is just 3-4 hours. If you leave it for say..........10 hours or so it will be stronger.
I have a few questions:

my yogurt is pretty runny - not set like what you buy in the store. Is that normal? I left it in the cooler overnight (I have to admit that I did not put boiling water in the jar in the cooler - it was just very very hot water). It's also VERY tangy but I just read that I shouldn't let it sit as long... which I'll do next time if it sets, lol

second, I made the yogurt cheese and it's a bit too tangy for my liking... I'm guessing that it's b/c the yogurt was that way. Would it be less tangy if I let it 'drain' in the fridge instead of at room temperature?

If it matters I used fresh raw cow's milk. Thanks Miss P for the excellent recipes!
I just made some my first mozzarella this year! LOL It is stored in the whey in the fridge until my dh goes for more raw milk tomorrow and I make some more for homemade pizzas! It only took one minute and thirty-five seconds and it was done! I cannot wait for the pizzas!!
correction: one minute and thirty-five seconds in the microwave part of the recipe!
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Has anyone tried making strained Greek-style yogurt? I love the Fage brand yogurt you can get at Whole Foods for half my paycheck, but I'd rather save the money and make it myself.
Ok, I have a problem that I was hoping you guys could help with before I cause a catastrophe!

About a year ago, I went to Whole Foods to get some yogurt starter for my first yogurt experiment. The only thing they had was some kefir starter that the lady assured me would make yogurt. But I've been too afraid to try it! I'm not a kefir fan and I don't want to end up with it, silly though that may seem.

Today, I realized that I have about a half gallon of milk that just went sour, probably as of today. I don't want to pour it down the drain, I want to get up the guts to make yogurt out of it. So what do you guys know? Is this impossible? Am I going to get stinky, rotten kefir? Or am I going to end up with yogurt? What do I have to do differently in my process to wind up with yogurt instead of kefir?
We have been making MP yogurt with store bought milk for a few months now. We recently found a source for raw goat milk. This weekend I made two quarts using the goat milk. All I can say is WOW! It was very, very good. It wasn't quite as thick, but really creamy. Next time I will use a little more powdered milk. We are planning on getting a few milk goats soon, so we'll be using goat milk all the time.

If you have the opportunity to use goat milk for yogurt, it's worth trying.

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