Homemade Yogurt **Updated** Cheese and Buttermilk

I am a freshman in High School. But one of my favorite stories from 8th grade was actually about yugurt. Or something like it. When my teacher (who is VERY old) Was a kid his mom made yogurt. They used all the sour goats milk and Evaporated it or something. But that was there Dessert! AMAZING. Most people would never dare do that. Haha Thats my story. I wish I lived back then

Very sorry if this is in the wrong section and very, very sorry if my questions have already been answered.

I am wanting to try cheese making and the recipe calls for some thing I am not familiar with.

1. Rennet ( i found out this is also called Junket)

2. Citric acid

3. Cheese salt ( I think I can use sea salt instead)

Does anyone know of any stores that are local I can buy these items from?

Also if anyone knows them by a diff name .

I called Wal-mart and kroger with zero luck.

Thanks Dawn
if you live in civilization you have to get the supplies from a cheese making place... or sometimes you can get it from beer/wine making shops

way out here i have to mail order from
New England Cheese Making Supply
Hoegger's Goat Supply

good luck! i tried it a little this summer with mixed results. i dont think i'm patient enough for it....but the fresh goat cheese was worth it! easy, cheap, and delish!
These Internet sites are the same ones that I use to get my cultures, citric acid, salt and other cheese making supplies. The owner of New England Cheese Company, Ricci has her book for sale there and it is really good to learn from and taught me a lot about making cheese, as well as this site - Miss Prissy in particular.

Miss Prissy, I just thank you SO MUCH!!!!

I'm now making goat butter....Never thought it was possible without buying expensive cream separators. But I let gallon jugs set in our cooler and scooped off the cream after about 4 days and 4 gallons yielded over one pound of butter...and the buttermilk!!!! Yum Yum....

No more store bought butter ever!!!!!

I meant to write you last weeks with a thanks...Forgive my tardiness!!!!
I am sure this has been covered in the thread already, but I don't have time to read all gazillion pages. Did anyone thicken their yogurt with anything other than the dry milk? I am trying to avoid the cow stuff and stick only with the goat products. I am just starting to get goat milk from a friend and am hoping to make my first batch of yogurt this afternoon, when I get back from helping MIL make wine.
i've been straining my 'goat-gurt' thru cheese cloth. technically once the whey is out (as i hear...) its yogurt 'cheese' but its thick an delicious.... kinda like the greek style that they sell in the stores.

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