Homemade Yogurt **Updated** Cheese and Buttermilk

I just got it out of the cooler. It was still quite runny, but I was not surprised. I have some issues with cows milk, so I did not add any powdered milk to it to help thicken. I may try the pectin as someone suggested, especially if I can find some source other than packages of sure-gel. Those are so expensive, it defeats some of the economical bonuses of making the yogurt yourself. They yogurt tasted good and I added in some of the honey I got from my friend, and ate it like soup. It was good!!! I just need to figure out a way to thicken it up a bit. Of course, I am trying all these experiments as my friend is getting ready to let her goat rest up before breeding and birthing season
. Oh well, I will keep trying and hopefully have it together when spring time comes and I can make it more!!!
If you don't find a way to thicken it that you like, you can always toss it in a blender with some fruit, either fresh or frozen strawberries for instance and drink it like a smoothy. Throw a banana in and some wheat germ too! Yum! Instant breakfast!
That's what I was thinking. My kids love to drink the yogurt from the little cups from the store sometimes, so I know they would still eat, or should I say, drink up all it's goodness. I just hope for myself that I can find a way to get it thicker, other than draining it everytime in cheesecloth. I miss having a bowl of yogurt with fruit on it.
That's what I was thinking. My kids love to drink the yogurt from the little cups from the store sometimes, so I know they would still eat, or should I say, drink up all it's goodness. I just hope for myself that I can find a way to get it thicker, other than draining it everytime in cheesecloth. I miss having a bowl of yogurt with fruit on it.

I'll share my familys' way of making yogurt as it was made hundred's or maybe thousands of years before I was born.
Modern day stove and pots, etc. of course
I hope this helps.

-Warm the oven up and turn off the heat. you just want it barely warm.
-Run cold water in the sink to half way up the pot that you will be using.
-Bring whole milk to a slow boil. once it boils....
-Place the pot in the sink with the cold water halfway up.
-Now comes the time when you want to get it to the right temp to add your starter

The next part will be having clean freaks jumping up and down
(not with a smile

-Wash and rinse your hands well and dip 1 finger into the milk until you can barely hold it for 10 seconds.
-It is now ready to add the starter... mix well.
-Pour into a large glass bowl..cover with film...wrap in a bath towel
-Turn the oven light on for continued warmth
-leave overnight. If you want it thicker place paper towels on it until desired thickness when it's ready and going in the frig.
Pfffffft!!! Clean freaks ain't eating yogurt! It's got BACTERIA in it!
LOL, ok, I'll ease up on you clean and neat-nicks. I'm just jealous cause I can't seem to manage it!

The paper towel thing makes sense! Thanks!

Don't they make powdered goat milk? ..except it might add too much to the cost, so maybe it's not an option... hmmm.

I've been seeing 'end of canning season' sales on pectin and unflavored gelatin lately, I picked up a supply of both a week or so ago. I'd say keep an eye out for that too. We're all trying to think of solutions too.
I made my first batch last nite! It worked out perfectly I think. I'm quite pleased with myself for having success I must confess lol. Of course my kids, wife, and I are all used to the flavored foo foo expensive french knockoffs and there was some instant nose turnin upon the 1st taste test lol. I used Greek Gods brand of yogurt cause I like thick yogurt... so I thought...till I tried that brand rite outta the container. Yeah, I think riccota cheese is thinner. A bit much for me, but the finished product seems nice and smooth. I drizzled some nice local honey on it and it was still questionable till about 1/2 way thru the bowl. Then I really got a taste for it and was very pleased. My kids are gonna take a tad more prodding to get them into it tho. I just went simple and plain for the first batch to test the waters, but I may have to go for some sweetness and vanilla on the next run.
Add the vanilla and/or sweetner after the fact to each bowl. Johnny can have strawberry jam, Suzie can have vanilla-n-hunny, Mickey can have apricot jam, Joey can have fresh blueberries in his, etc etc.

We like to add vanilla and honey (or splenda since my dad is diabetic) and top fruit crisp or shortcake with it, grate a little nutmeg on top and MMMMMM-mmmmmm good desert! We all think it beats whipped cream!

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