Homemade Yogurt **Updated** Cheese and Buttermilk

Goat milk doesn't separate like cow milk. Some cream will rise but you really need a cream separater to get enough to do anything with.

Nubians are good milkers. Can be fussy and prickly but good milkers.
The pressure is on!:eek:

So, I need, thermometer, organic yogurt, get my jars out of the barn and sterilize, find my cooler, get powdered milk to add. I think that's it.

I'm not terribly fond of yogurt, but since the start of the flu two weeks ago my insides have been completely unsettled. I really need some sort of re-culturing.
This flavor is unlike any yogurt you buy from the store. Add a little sugar to sweenten the milk if you want and give it a more dessert flavor and you can add some vanilla extract (or other flavoring). Once the yogurt is made and you refrigerate it to get good and cold you can top it with some of your fav fruit or preserves or granola.

I promise you that the homemade will be beyond anything you have eaten from a store.
I can't wait to try but today the store I went in didn't have any yogurt like you described. i will make a wallmart trip maybe tomorrow.
I made the yogurt this week when we were snowed in. Oh my gosh
it was THE BEST! I flavored it with different things, one i used vanilla pudding and sugar (it was ok), one i did chocolate pudding and sugar (it to was ok), but the piece de' resistance was the last one (i did most of it like this) and it was just sugar and vanilla extract. WOW, it was smooth, creamy and AMAZING!

Got more milk now so i'm gonna try other flavors and the cheese. I am waiting on the goats to pop so I can have an excuse to make mass quantities to freeze, right now store milk is almost $4 a gallon. I can't wait for those babies to arrive so I can have an unlimited supply of milk!
All we will be able to say is -



We told you so LOL

I love just plain with vanilla. My kids eat 3 qrts every 2 days.
Gald to hear that yours turned out. I go grocery shopping on Monday nad will pick up the milk then. Hubby looked at me a little weird when I said I was going to make yogurt then shrugged his shoulders and said he'd try some too
Neither ones of us likes it from the store, but I know how good it is for you so I hope that we will be able to eat it like this. How much sugar did you add?
I never liked yogurt either until I started eating plain and adding my own fruit and/or granola. And the store-bought doesn't compare to homemade. Thanks again, Miss Prissy.
I use 1/4 to 1/3 cup of sugar to mine when the milk is still hot so it all dissolves quickly. My favorite is almond extract and sugar..yummm I really am not a fan of store bought yogurt but this I can make a pig out of myself

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