Homemade Yogurt **Updated** Cheese and Buttermilk

Again how do I get the recipe please to make yogurt? I click on the blue button on the first page that says yogurt and it just keeps refreshing the page.

Thank you!
Again how do I get the recipe please to make yogurt? I click on the blue button on the first page that says yogurt and it just keeps refreshing the page.

Thank you!

On the first page of this thread, under the blue links is the instructions for making yogurt. Have fun!
It's yummy! My youngest daughter ate it plain and liked it, my oldest tried it then turned her nose up. They will both prob get a little honey on it or some jam or fruit. I have raspberries and granola, I know what I am having for breakfast tomorrow.

How did it go for you arabianequine?
Thank you for asking I appreciate you including me. I have been working and need to get to store for jars and powdered milk before I can give it a try maybe this weekend. I will let you know how it goes.
Think I am going to have to make more today. Everyone loves it, except for my hubby, but he isn't brave enough to try it.

I think it's so good! I am debating trying it without the powdered milk, to see how it sets. Arabianequine, have you make yours yet?

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