Homemade Yogurt **Updated** Cheese and Buttermilk

Thanks Miss Prissy!! Can you tell me how fattening raw milk is?? Does it just depend on how fat you skim off the top?? We drink Skim Milk, except for my 19 month old who drinks Whole milk. Also, would it be safe for my little one to drink where he is so young??? We have a Dexter heifer that is going to calf anyday and we are hoping that she will be nice enough to let us milk her, if there is extra of course.

I just love this place!
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Miss Prissy,
I just saw this post - and I think I'll try it! I recently discovered a local farm that sells fresh products: milk, cheese, yogurt, eggs(don't need those), even yarn from their sheep. Its a great non-profit place that has classes on all sorts of things throughout the year. But back to yogurt - I'm going to pick up their fresh milk and give it a try. Thanks for the recipe!
Cheryl, that is an excellent idea!

steffpeck, I have no clue LOL I am sure if you did a google search you would easily find it. MY kids are ages 21 down to age 2. They all drink our milk. Goat milk is better for your little one than cow milk. Seriously. Babies who cannot tolerate formula and are not breast fed can drink goat milk with no troubles. I trust our milk. I would most likely pasturize milk from another source. If you trust your cow to be clean by all means drink your milk. It is good stuff!!

chickensista - once you make your own you'll never want commercial made again.
Ozark Hen - Thanks for the offer. I am just concerned about sending that kind of thing through customs - they might not allow it!!

Cheryl - I have seen water buffalo in Vietnam & Cambodia. I'm sure they have them in far Southern China, where the rice fields are, but I'm in the north. Have you seen a picture of them? They don't look like something I want to milk!! I am now curious about water buffalo milk. I'll have to research that.

Chinese traditionally have not consumed much milk & dairy products, in fact, milk drinking is very, very new and many Asians are lactose intolerant. Milk, however, has always been a part of the Mongolian and northwestern Chinese diet. Since being introduced in the last few decades, the average height & bone structure is increasing!

Outside of Beijing & Shanghai it is very difficult to find cheese, and most Chinese find cheese repulsive. But yogurt & UHT milk is everywhere. I'm going to ask around among my Chinese friends to find out how feasible fresh cow or goat milk will be. It's an adventure. I've got one British friend, married to a local Chinese girl, who says he has always wanted to get a place in the country and raise goats, so maybe I can talk him into it!!
Thank you so much for this! I just made my second batch-- the first one I doubled and it was STILL gone in 48 hours! I love honey yogurt (hard to find!) so I have added 3-4Tb. of honey at the beginning. We have topped it with granola for breakfast (and lunch!) and the kids love it.

I stopped buying commercially made yogurt a while ago--- way too much junk in it, and ridiculously high sugar. I have just been buying organic plain yogurt and topping it with whatever jam or honey or fresh fruit we want for that serving. This is great, though... I have passed the recipe and photos on to a couple of people now!

ONE QUESTION: Where did you get those great jars?????? How can I find some?

Thanks again!
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Well......I didn't get to make my yogurt on Saturday.
But I got my candy therm and powdered goats milk, greek yogurt with 5 cultures all my jars lined up and towels and cooler.

Easter happened (which I forgot about since it was earlier this year) And we had unexpected company. So I had to put it off, and I was SO READY TO DO IT.

One night this week I'm gonna have some "my time" and will do it then. I can't wait!
I need to make more tonight... I've even got hubby eating it now!

Question... I bought goats milk (just 1 quart) to try it, and I did it exactly as I do with 2% cows milk. It didn't set as well as the cow's milk... do I need to do something different, or maybe add an extra tbsp of the starter? It was good, but it was too runny to really eat with a spoon so I made smoothies out of it.

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