Homemade Yogurt **Updated** Cheese and Buttermilk

I have made many many batches of this delicious yogurt in the past and it never failed. Thank You, Miss Prissy.

Question to all you "yogurt makers": I have normally used whole milk or the 2% milk and added the milk powder to get a thicker consistency in the yogurt. A friend now was asking about the 0% fat milk and that her yogurt always turns out very thin. So I tried the 1% myself the same way I always made it in the past and it turned out to be very thin yogurt as well compared to what I had in the past, but still yummy. So does the fat content impact the consistency and if so, would I just add more milk powder?
I read the thread to page 29 and had to stop reading to make yogurt.

Three quarts are now in the incubator cooler/warmer. Used "Mountain High Original Style all Nautral Yoghurt" for the starter. It has L. bulgaricus, S thermophilus, L. acidophilus, B. bifidus and L. casei and has no growth hormones.

Added 1/3 cup sugar to the three quarts of milk as the milk heated. Flavored one quart with 1 tsp vanilla and 1/4 cup extra sugar. The rest are plain.

Can hardly wait!! We have fresh wild blackberries...yummmmm.

Love, Love, Love this thread and the great recipes! Thank you for the guidance Miss Prissy.
Now I've caught up on the thread. So inspiring!

We have made our second batch of yogurt...this time 7 quarts. We have shared with family and they all LOVE it!

I have a quart dripping its whey so I can make the spreadable cheese.
over the past week, i have made about 4 baches of yogurt on my stove and then incubating in my salton yougurt maker from 5-8 hours. For some reason, i cannot get the yogurt to be really, really thick. otherwise the flavor is unbelieveable! sooo much better than the store bought stuff.

any suggestions?

should i add gelatin?

It is thick enough to eat but gets more thin as you eat it. I would like to get it super thick-help! i have tried using organic milk and commercial milk-not what the issue is.

any help/advise would be greatly appreciated!

4 C. Milk 2%
1/2 C. Non-fat powdered milk
1/2C. sugar
1/2 C. starter (Stoneyfield cream top plain yogurt)

I guess better late than never applies here:(

OK I have been using the MissPrissy method for a while know. I do not add powdered milk to thicken.

For really thick yogurt.. Put the yogurt in cheese cloth (I use 4 layers) to drain some of the whey off. Then bottle it. This makes a nice thick Greek style yogurt..

We love homemade yogurt, can not see going back to store bought, we save lots of $$ and the taste of FRESH yogurt is so superior..

Thanks MissPrissy

*raises hand*

Well I stumbled across a Queso Blanco recipe and that one seems like a good one for me to start with, milk and vinegar... no aluminum pots... need to buy butter muslin but I've got a lead on that.... seems a good one for a first timer?

So... question... do I need to splurge on a "dairy thermometer" or would it be safe to use my candy thermometer... then if it works and I decide to go All In on the cheesemaking I can order one when I order rennet and such later?

I did check and the one I has has big marks and numbers at 150 and 200... smaller marks no number at 175 and then smaller still marks for every five degrees between... so in theory I can spot 185 (two marks above 175)... but I thought I'd ask. Appreciate any info.

I love this forum...MissPrissy is the bestest!!!

I have made the yogurt and have had it come out different depending on what was put in it. The starter counts importantly in the making. The powdered milk is a must I found out. This yogurt can even be made out of complete powdered milk with a little half and half or heavy cream. It comes out great!

No one had posted in a while, thought I would give this a boost again.


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