Homemade Yogurt **Updated** Cheese and Buttermilk

It may be here. There are so many recipes in this thread I have trouble keeping up with them. But if it isn't, it is now. Thank you! I have made this cheese before. I made it to use in a spinach lasagne last summer when I had everything fresh!
Just now found this thread....now I MUST try it!

I use yogurt a lot to make Indian dishes, baking breads, muffins, etc., etc.

But first thing first, I must go back and read everything in here to be sure I didn't miss anything, of course.

Good thing I like to read
I just wanted to post and say that after seeing this crazy, never-ending thread keep re-appearing for months, I was finally inspired to actually try Miss Prissy's original recipe for homemade yogurt (on the first page of the thread).

It seemed daunting, but there's just a lot of steps, nothing tricky. And the yogurt turned out great! Just like Miss Prissy said. I won't ever buy plain yogurt for me or the chickens ever again.

Anybody who's on the fence about trying the recipe, go ahead. It's worth it.
Make that another one Prissy...I made 2 qts. on Saturday and it was excellant
. I mixed frozen chopped strawberries with one quart and blueberries with the other. We had company over for supper and both quarts were all gone
I went out to the farm for more milk yesterday so I can make more. Thanks so much for sharing your recipe.
After reading all the posts in this thread, I have to try to make yogurt. My wife can't stand the stuff, but me and my 6 year old daughter love it. (store bought that is, I am sure homemade is going to be better).

quick couple of questions...

My walmart only had the non-fat stoneyfields yogurt. Will this work or do I need to find the full fat?

Also, the only cooler I have access to right now is a 5 gallon upright water cooler. Should this work ok, or do you think it will be a little big. (unfortunately, I can't just add more water jars, because it is upright and not spread out like a typical cooler)


Nonfat is fine. Anything will work that you can maintian some warmth. Just like eggs you are 'incubating' the good healthy bacteria that makes the yogurt.
I just bought another Stonyfield fat-free for my third batch, which I will make tomorrow. It's seems it's going to be an every-Saturday affair from now on. One mason jar only lasts a week for me and my four chickens!

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