Homemade Yogurt **Updated** Cheese and Buttermilk

Finally read all 48 pages of this wonderful thread.
Now i will set to making all of the recipes, one at a time...
will let ya know how it goes... i am soooo excited about this...
cooking is one of my favorite things.. and trying new things(nothing too weird) is way cool too.
thanks everyone for sharing.
i am making yogurt right now and the directions dont say whether to put lids on the jar of yogurt while it is in the cooler or not. I know this may be a duh moment but i really wanna do this right...
so do i put the lid on the yogurt jar or not til it is all done?
I put the lids on the jars before putting them in the cooler/oven/yogurt machine. I think I just assumed, though. Haven't had any problems, tho.

Hubby (and the boys) asked me to try mixing some Strawberry Quik powder into one of the jars... made strawberry yogurt! He said it was good... must have been, since he didn't let me taste any!

well, i went ahead and put lids on them and
after 5 hours in the cooler with jars of hot water we have WONDERFUL yogurt!
My 13 month old helped me sample it after he awoke from nappy land. The best yogurt ever! THank you Miss prissy and everyone else for sharing, trying and advice. Kinda reminds me of the yoplait custard style in the store but so much healthier and better since its from home.
I used frozen whole milk that was thawed and it did fine.
now on to cheese.
Miss Prissy, I would love to make my own yogurt, but I must ask, is the dry milk a necessity? What does it add to the yogurt? I have fresh raw jersey milk to use and I really would prefer not to put the yucky powdered milk into that

However, I am excited to make my own yogurt!
The powdered milk makes it thick and helps it to set. Even the commercial yogurt makers use a powdered form of milk to tighten it up. Without it you will get the yogurt they have over in Europe. It is more like slime than thick custard/pudding style like we are used to in America. I do not like it slimey.

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