Homemade Yogurt **Updated** Cheese and Buttermilk

i think homemade yogurt tastes better than store bought but that's just me. i use my oven, preheat just a bit, pop the thermometer in, throw in the yogurt and leave it for awhile. oh and i also boil a pan of water to keep it warm in there. yummy! now if only i could keep the kids out of it.
Hi, Has anyone used Mountain High Yogurt it is what we usually buy and it is delicious, but I will now start making my own. This sounds like such fun.

Thank Miss Prissy and everyone else for sharing their favorites.

Dilly girl
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If you make your own no grocery store yogurt can match it.
I am so sorry that should of read I will NOW start making my own. Thanks Miss Prissy. I will edit that. I am excited, next cheese for me.
I've made multiple batches with MissPrissy's recipe and tho I like Mountain High when I buy it at the store, it wasn't my favorite as a base for the yogurt. The only base I liked less was the one with the 8 cultures (too sour) that I purchased at Henry's. If you have a Trader Joe's near you, the best of the starters I've used is the French Cream Line yogurt in the Trader Joe's line. It sets up the fastest, and is sweet and smooth. Yum!
ok, i have been making the yogurt and trying to do different flavors with the pudding. i tried the kind you have to cook and the instant, i put 2 tablespoons in with the sugar after it has dropped to 115 degrees.
the problem is that it separates and the pudding goes to the top and the rest of the yogurt is fine... what am i doing wrong? should i add the pudding when i heat the milk?

thanks for your input.
Washington and quite a few other states run regulations that are just about as severe. I have a list here some where of which states have really nasty meat and farm regs.

Yogurt Kefir etc are addictive once you make your own.
You bet they are! My kids eat the yogurt 3 qts at a time in about 2 days or less. I couldn't afford to buy yogurt the way they eat it BUT they don't eat store brands in the quantities they do homemade.
Hi Miss Prissy, I am going to make my first yogurt tomorrow morning and wanted to ask prior about where to place the cooler once I am done and it needs to set.

We will be in the nineties tomorrow, very warm, I could always place it on the decks, or should I leave it inside at room temperature? You said to make sure a hot jar of water is added and wrapped in a towel as well as the jar of yogurt, so I thought hey with this warm (HOT) weather, why not just sit it outside in the cooler.

Anything wrong with doing it this way?

Thanks and I cannot wait to see how this turns out.

Dilly Girl
The boiling water in the jars is hotter than the sunshine. You are 'incubating' the yogurt culture exactly like we do eggs. Experiment with it if you willing to risk a batch. If it gets too hot in the cooler the yogurt culture will die and you won't have live yogurt cultures and you can't make more from it.

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