Homemade Yogurt **Updated** Cheese and Buttermilk

Fiberboard properly used is perfectly fine. I don't get into those drama scene disputes.

But this thread is drifting and we need to bring it back to yogurt, cheese and other dairy.
Fiberboard properly used is perfectly fine. I don't get into those drama scene disputes.

But this thread is drifting and we need to bring it back to yogurt, cheese and other dairy.

OK, I concede and agree. I am very passionate about chickens,dairy,cheesemaking and farming as avocations. My vocation is engineering and all things related to construction-destruction disciplines of which I am very passionate about. I tend to get somewhat emotionally unhinged when others give advice about construction materials and methods when they haven't a clue of what they're actually talking about and that those asking for the advice from these self proclaimed "experts" are now so misinformed that when they go to the lumberyard and ask the salesman for "can you get me some jim-jam and whaatchamacallit with a big red thingamabob so I can frammajamma a chicken coop?" No small wonder that many lumberyards hate doing retail!​
I used my recent not-so-successful yogurt batch in some baking last night, and I must say it worked just fine. PLUS, none of my girls have keeled over from eating it yet!

I'm preparing another batch tonight.
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I wasn't going to mention yet until I see how it turns out but I started a batch of yogurt today..I didn't even get to finish the post, I kept up in the beginning then I got behind..but ya'll really made me want to try! I hope it goes well, I'll let ya'll know thanks! I might try the cheese thing, although it might be a little much for me.
Can't wait to see your reaction
I just ate a bowl this morning! I just made the plain, original recipe, and then added honey & granola this morning on top. Im going to play with flavors too, Im not big on just the plain alone, it was a little sour, but so exciting to see that it turned out. When I add flavors am I suppose to add it ot the milk when its heating?
Thanks for the recipe its a great idea.
Hello! HELP!!! Is anyone out there who has tried this yogurt recipe? I am heating my milk as I type and I have read this post so many times - but for the life of me I can't tell whether the temp should be in Celsius or Fahrenheit???? I think that this was mentioned earlier - but I can't find it??? Can anyone give me some advice? :eek:
Thank you Flakey Chick... I did not really notice that my candy thermometer had both measurements... and the Celsius measurements was the one that was in red and caught my attention as I was mindlessly heating the milk!!! This batch of yogurt should be an adventure!

Thanks for your speedy response. It helps to have someone there when you need them!!!
Results of the yogurt to follow.....

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