Homemade Yogurt **Updated** Cheese and Buttermilk

As I am reading the forum on chicks I come across a link to check out a yogurt recipe. Everyone is talking about how good it is and there are 63 pages to it. Now I am going to have to start at page one and read Miss Prissy's teachings.
I was raised, in part, by my grandparents who pretty much grew everything until the 1970s. Chickens, ducks, rabbits along with vegetables galore. They started getting older and us kids wouldn't help as much as we should have.
The other issue is that rather than eat the good whole food they made we thought that the new foods coming out were better. Things like Wonderbread, Tang, Poptarts and such were the foods of the future.
Now all I can do is try to learn to grow food (more dissapointments than successes) process it at home and cook it.
That's why things like this are so great. One, I am learning and B, I don't feel like a lone nutcase.
Thank you Miss Prissy.
We all have to start somewhere. Good on you for trying! Gardening can be a disappointment. DC pointed me in the direction of a book about gardening although I have always just 'gardened' on rows in the yard. I have to sayit is changing my ideas and ways. The Gardener's Bible by Edward C. Smith - try that.
Thanks! I made some this morning so I will let you all know. I bought what you suggested, not ultra, but pasteurized, and organic 2%. I can not wait to see how it is tomorrow.

Also, can the yogurt get too warm when setting. I mean in my house it is 75 but I could put it in the 90 degree garage!!
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Well, I made 3 1/2 quarts plus four little pint (?) jars of yogurt out of 2% milk. For the first time I only used the stoneyfield's yogurt for a starter...always used packages of starter before plus the yogurt. So first time just using yogurt alone. Plus I used 2 cups of powdered milk since I was using so much 2% milk. I put the cooler in the dining room and in five hours I had perfect, firm, extra creamy yogurt. Sigh................isn't life grand?
Had my yogurt today and can I say yum!! The 2% milk made all the difference! It is great! Thanks for the suggestions!

BTW, sorry if this was on here before but there are lots of pages in this thread...how long does this yogurt stay good for in the fridge?
How long will it take you to eat it???
Sorry, I just couldn't resist. I made 3 1/2 quarts yesterday and have only 2 left tonight. I also made some small jars but those will be gone just as fast. We had some with sliced strawberries on it...yum.

I honestly cannot tell you how long it will last since it doesn't last in our house.
Well, mine was solid in 8 hours (I just HAD to check, and I'm glad I did!). It is delicious but so tangy that I can't eat what I consider a serving! Any ideas why? I know when you're dealing with living food it's variable, but does "fast" processing lead to it being tangier?

I just finished a small bowl with blueberries. The consistency is very firm. I used Dannon plain yogurt, 2% milk with a cup of powdered milk added. Stonybrook was only available in plain non-fat and I wasn't sure the nonfat would work, even though I know the yogurt is only the starter...

If I can reduce the tanginess even a little, I can see myself eating TONS of this stuff!

Thanks, MissPrissy and everyone else!

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