Homemade Yogurt **Updated** Cheese and Buttermilk

If the button doesn't go down on the yogurt once it is done incubating, but the yogurt has been made, what has happened? It is the right consistancy, just that the button on the lid hasn't one down.

Rachel -
You don't need to worry about the button on the lid. That only matters to seal jars when food is processed using canning methods. When you're making yogurt, just make sure that you've sterilized your jars and lids and have followed the instructions. It'll be fine. Nope, it'll be more than fine. . . It'll be GREAT!
BB is correct. You are not canning your yogurt. You are incubating the cultures in the milk that make the yogurt. the reason you use the sterile jars is the controled growth of the good bacteria that makes the milk into yogurt.
I had actually mixed my flavorings together this week, vanilla, almond and a dab of raspberry flavorings. YUM Now with sliced strawberries it is awesome. You know for some reason, I had it in my head that I needed BOTH starter packages plus Stoneyfields yogurt to get it to set!
After going back to the original recipe I am not using the powdered, packaged yogurt starter anymore
Sometimes it takes longer with older people
I have yogurt!!!
It is awesome! Yay, this was so much fun, I love to bake, and have tried some pretty hard recipes, so I don't know why I was nervous about this. It was so easy.

I have some fresh strawberries to add to it, yum.

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