Homemade Yogurt **Updated** Cheese and Buttermilk

Belinda, I was not a yogurt eater/lover in any way. Dh is though so I made some of Miss P's yogurt. I am totally hooked on it now. It is awesome. I eat more than my dh now.
I prefer it sweetened but want to make some to use instead of sour cream. I never, in a million years, would have believed anyone, a year ago, if they had told me I would be making our own yogurt! Enjoy it!!
What a day! Sorry it took so long to reply but the power went out for hours here.

I used Stonyfield Farm organic lowfat plain yogurt as my starter and I bought it the day before with the expiration date of June 28th 2008 on it.

Dang, maybe it was still a bad container or something.

Well, I have something else to add also from the batch I made today for all you Mom's out there with kids who like to help. Any way, my DD was reading the site the other day with me when I was writing down instructions for making yogurt and the cheese. She read where some of you were adding pudding to your yogurt for flavor and asked if she could add it the next time we made the yogurt, I said yes.

Well, everything is going great and the time comes to add the pudding to the yogurt batch and I notice something isn't right. There are little small beads in the milk after she starts adding the pudding and I was trying to figure out what I did wrong and if the milk was still to hot or the powder milk was bad. My DD just happens to ask, " Hey Mom if the tapioca pudding yogurt turns out good can I try banana next?" !!!!!

I will let you know later today what happens when I take it out!!!

Sorry it was so long but had to tell ya'll what happened.
Well, the Tapioca Yogurt turned into some kind of lumpy soup.
The dogs enjoyed it with their dinner about a hour ago .

I have been running all over town today looking for some Raw Cow milk but didn't find any. The places that sold it said they were out but would have some next weekend.

I am now trying to make homemade laundry detergent. I just thought I'd stop in with a update. Try to talk more tomorrow.

Almost forgot to tell you, I made homemade butter from heavy whipping cream today and it turned out great. I can't wait to get some real raw cow milk to make some butter with because I know it will be terrific!
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OK, as a student of this yogurt class (I've read pages 1 - 30, so far), I made my yogurt with Stonyfield Farms Low Fat, Organic 1% milk and Sanalac Powdered Milk. I made a 2 quart recipe and used a whole cup of powdered milk because I didn't want to have any thickening issues. At 110 degrees, I stirred in the starter and two good squeezes (an official measurement) of local honey. After I poured it up into the jars, I tasted the little bit that was left over. Very good, only slightly sweet, which is what I wanted. My yogurt can still pass for plain yogurt. When I checked it at five hours (we are in a hot, humid climate) and determined it was set, I tasted it - yummy! This morning I got up to make a bowl for the chicks and had a big spoonful for myself. I will say, it is really delicious, very fresh-tasting, with no sour after taste. My 12 y/o daughter just ate a big bowl with honey for breakfast. After I have coffee, I'll be doing the same. I just wish I had some wonderful granola on hand. I'm really thinking I'll just find a recipe and make my own. 12 y/o Ivy and I will make 2 more quarts today, and reserve one batch for the yogurt cheese...ONTO CHEESE!!! And bear in mind, people, I don't really like to cook - it lost its magic for me a long time ago. I abhor grocery shopping almost to the point that I become unconcious when I think about it and can barely drag myself through the place, LOL! So for me to make this wonderful yogurt, want to make granola, determine to make cheese...is a big deal. Thank you for the wonderful thread!

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