Homemade Yogurt **Updated** Cheese and Buttermilk

I have to go buy more starter yogurt. I was blissfully scraping out the last cupful in my jar to eat for lunch with fresh strawberries, and I forgot to save some!

I don't know where my brain is sometimes.
Terrie -

If you're ever near a Trader Joe's (I think your closest would be Lake Oswego) pick up the French Cream Line yogurt in the Trader Joe's brand. It is the BEST starter I've found thus far, and I've tried quite a few. I cannot begin to describe how amazing this stuff is!
If I am in that area soon, I will pick some up. I am at least 25 miles away as the freeway winds around. If you are familiar with the area you know what I mean.
I do know what you mean. I travel through that area at least once every two years to see hubby's family who live in Washington and Oregon and to see some of mine who live in Oregon.

Yes, YOU do! You and I share some of the same vices (like good beer!
) and TJ's is a great place to feed those vices! There are TJ's in VA, but I don't know if any of them are near you. Take a look!
Well, I wouldn't go way out of my way to shop there (gotta be pragmatic, ya know) but if in the area, it's definitely worth a stop and shop. Great dairy products (no hormones), excellent coffee (many fair trade and organic choices), good beer
, wine, and lots of fun grains, ethnic foods, cheese, snacks, etc.

TJ's is the only place I've been able to find organic quinoa (I suppose the bigger health food stores might also carry it, but at a higher price), which has been a nice addition to our diet.

But, I'm getting off topic here. The Creamline yogurt is awesome and makes an amazing yogurt!
Hi Alaska,

When you say "fresh milk" do you mean as in raw/unpasturized? I was wondering if anyone had any experience with making yogurt with raw milk and various starters. I confess upfront that I did not read all 70 something pages of this thread so if this has already been asked and answered...sorry:rolleyes:

I am presently drinking the most incredable raw milk and making butter but don't have good yogurt recipe and found this with a search.... Off to the kitchen to try it with some Dannon Actives stuff DH left in the 'fridge.
last year that is all I used was raw milk. My dh would take two dozen eggs to the neighbor in exchange for the two gal. of milk from which I would make yogurt and butter from. Now dh has gotten out of the habit of going over there just before the milk truck comes. Dh says I wouldn't be able to dip out of the tank so he does it. Got to get that man back into the habit of doing that on the weekends. LOL

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