Homemade Yogurt **Updated** Cheese and Buttermilk

" 1) candy thermometers are hard to find and a meat thermometer does not work well. "

you mean there is a differance between these two??

I used my handy-dandy meat thermometer
till it read 185 then cooled to 110, then soxed it away to turn into yougert - I lucked out I guess cause it came out great.

Now, please explain the differance so I don't use the wrong one again (this from a woman who's husband is a retired cook !!! :eek:)
Mine suspends. It is a dairy thermomter. Steel, large. Not glass. With the clip you can suspend any thermometer. It does not resemble a candy thermometer.
If you order the mozzarella/ricotta kit from New England Cheesemaking, it comes with a dairy thermometer, citric acid, cheese salt, butter muslin, and rennet tablets. It's a decent "package deal," but you do have shipping charges.


I just found this thread a couple of hours ago and have been reading since. Kids are in bed and I'm engulfed in this "novel"! I've only gotten through page 21 and have to stop to work on my Granny Squares for the swap.

Tomorrow I will be making yogurt and then Thursday I will try the yogurt cheese!

One question I have for you. Have you ever considered writing a book. You are such a fount of knowlegde!!

As another poster said...MissPrissy...you da bomb!!!

Thank you for all the information you provide on this forum!!
Has anyone thought of going through this thread and kind of "indexing" it? With links to important updates, new recipes, different products? At the very least something that shows where the cheese, buttermilk, etc. are?

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