Homemade Yogurt **Updated** Cheese and Buttermilk

Yeah, you know...in your SPARE time. BWAHAHAHAHAHAAA!


(Did I mention I'm on a LOT of medication tonight?)
MissPrissy - please forgive me if this has already been asked and answered. I made it through several pages, but ran out of time to go through all 77!

Concerning your yogurt recipe - once you make a batch of your own, can you save off some to use as starter for the next batch, rather than buying a new tub of yogart?

Many thanks in advance - and again, I apologize if you've already answered this.

ETA: OOOPS! If found the answer on page 22! Sorry about that. I was going to delete this - but then it would show a deleted post and I didn't want you to wonder about it. Does that make sense?

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I thought I ruined a quart of milk and fixings last night. I made the yogurt recipe using 2% milk and after 5 hours I checked it before I went to bed. It was still all liquid.

When I checked it at 2 am when I got up, it was perfect! Am I right in thinking the higher fat content makes it set faster?
Mine sets up different EVERY time! I have used 2% and 1% (just can't bring myself to do skim) with a whole envelope of nonfat dried milk each time.

The first batch was solid after the 8 hours...I'm not sure when it solidified because I MADE MYSELF LEAVE IT ALONE.
This was 2%.

The second batch was semi-solid after 8 hours..put it in the fridge even though I would have liked it thicker because the jars of water were no longer hot. This was 1%.

The third batch was solid after 4 hours. Also 1%.

All of it has been magnificent!
My first yogurt is in the cooler. It's been there about 30 minutes!

I went today looking for the ingredients to make the cheese (I haven't even read the thread that far, just to page 22.

Can't even find cheese salt here! I'll be ordering the supplies at the first of the week after payday.

I'll post when my yogurt is ready!
It's done!

I just checked the consistency of my yogurt. It's nice and firm. 3.75 hours!

I used whole milk and followed MP recipe to the T. Well, with the exception of scorching the milk a little.

I'm going to let it stay in the cooler for about another 30 minutes until my dh gets in from work to show him. I didn't tell him about our new food product we will now make at home. I don't want to leave it any longer because we don't like the really tart yogurt.

I'm so happy! Will make more tomorrow!
Thanks for the feedback! As long as the end product is good I am not going to obsess about it anymore.

A couple tablespoons of vanilla covers that scorchiness nicely!
We had homemade pizza with homemade mozzarella tonight, and this particular batch of cheese turned out SO good, that after the fact, I was wishing I had not put ANYTHING else on the pizza (I'd roasted some chicken for the sauce). Next time, I'm doing it exactly the same (losing the dairy thermometer may be the best thing I could've done), and just making Pizza Margherita.
MissPrissy - thank you for posting these recipes. I made the yogurt over the weekend. It is heavenly!!! I made your original recipe without adding anything - and then scooped a teaspoon or so of Raspberry Jam syrup I canned this weekend. YUM!!!!

Thanks again,

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