Homemade Yogurt **Updated** Cheese and Buttermilk

I have 2 quarts of yogurt "incubating" now.
I had been using the Stoneybrook yogurt as a starter (I keep forgetting to save some), but it is $1.59 a cup!
I am using Oregon's own Tillamook French Vanilla Bean. It has all the "stuff" in it that the other does and it is on sale for .70 a cup.

It works great!
A gal at work is now hooked on this yogurt and she uses Activia. She brought in a quart jar the other day ran around the store with plastic spoons making everyone try it! LOL
Hey Miss Prissy or Ozark Hen or anyone... I've taught my 74 year-young father to make the yogurt, but he wants to try the sweeter cultures. We've ordered them from cheesemaking.com. Could one of you ladies tell me how I use these cultures in the process? I was really comfortable with the heaping tablespoons of Stoneyfield Farms. This is going to be different. Thank you!
Jennspeeps, that coffee cake recipe looks yummy. I don't have any cherries, but I'm thinking blueberries would be good, too. And, I don't have any sour cream, but maybe our homemade yogurt would be a good substitute. I don't like to think of it as substituting - it's more making it my own recipe. Well, anything to stay out of the grocery store.LOL

ninjapoodles, Thanks so much for sharing the ice cream recipe.
And, thanks MissPrissy for the link for another ice cream recipe to try.
They both sound delicious. Can't wait to try one of them next weekend.

My first batch tastes real good.
I need a thermometer so it turns out thick enough though. I used regular Dannon plain and also that watery stuff called
Dan Active with L Casei Immunitas
On a whim I bought a different organic yogurt to use as starter from a different grocery store - Horizon organic - not bad, not the best but not bad. I have some organic cream I plan to make a batch with.

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