Homemade Yogurt **Updated** Cheese and Buttermilk

Love the yogurt have made from MP's directions. Make mine plain so the peeps can have a share too. Been making home made blue berry, black berry and peach jam.

Oh my, you cant not imagine how well a table spoon of those jellys/jam added to the yogurt taste.

Bet even just honey as a sweetner will bring it to life.

If you have not tried to make the yogurt yet, please do.

It is easy and she had made some great instructions here for making it.

So I have made Miss Prissy's yogurt several times, trying different cultures and different brands of milk, adding sweeteners, etc. Thank you all for all your great ideas - it's kept me from giving up when a batch didn't turn out all that great. We just make more! My chickens just love the yogurt, but they are sooooo messy with it. They get it all over their heads and necks and after it dries, it looks like they need a bath. It doesn't seem to wear off very quickly. Does this happen to your chickens, or are mine just hopelessly going to look unkempt?
Mine 4 girls crowd around the dish (the little banty is going to be peering between chicken knees soon at the rate the standards are growing), flick it all over each other, and then nibble it off each other feathers. I swear they'd lick the dish if they could. I love the sound they make when they dive into the yogurt. It's music to the cook's ears!
Poppycock, try mixing something else in with the yogurt when you give it to the girls. I put chopped alfalfa or even mix it with some regular oatmeal so mine don't fling it all over so much and it's not so runny. My girls love it this way and when they see me coming with their bowl of it, I'm mobbed at the coop door!
The first time I fed it and didn't mix it with anything I think I was the one with most of it in my hair and on my face.
I am so glad everyone is enjoying the yogurt! Yayy for us!

Cook up a pot of white rice and mix the yogurt with the rice. They don't make a mess with it that way. I also add chopped boiled eggs.
This morning I mixed their yogurt with chopped lettuce and chopped boiled eggs. Much less messy! Thanks! Don't know why I didn't think of adding other food to the yogurt...got to stop thinking like a person and start thinking like a chicken. Just because I don't care for hardboiled eggs and lettuce in my yogurt doesn't mean the chickens will!
Silly question about making the mozzarella cheese. I read (somewhere?) that you need to use stainless steel pot to cook it in, and use stainless steel utensils.

My pans are Calphalon (hard anodized aluminum or something like that) ??? Will it work in my pots, or do I need to get something else?
Can I just say YUM!!?? This will be the only yogurt we eat from now on! Only thing is it turned out thinner than yogurt, sorta more like smoothie consistency. I will keep trying! Thanks Miss Prissy for posting!

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