Homemade Yogurt **Updated** Cheese and Buttermilk

Just wanted to let you all know that I made the yogurt.

Yes it was very easy

Yes it's all gone, kids just loved it. Have to do the add-ins after its done
because each one wants something different. The littlest one has to have
hers "pink".
Will just have to make more.
Thanks for the recipe.
good job Chuck!!
Excellent job, Chuck. I am so glad your kids love the yogurt. It is worth the little extra effort to see them eating good wholesome foods.
I made my second batch yesterday and as promised, here's my assessment of the shorter time in the cooler.

I started it just after 4pm and had it in the cooler by 4:30. I checked it 3 hours later and it was noticeably thicker, but not quite ready. At 10:30, I put it in the fridge, taking a little taste before doing so. It was just as thick as my previous batch.

This morning I did a taste test, comparing my first batch to my second batch. The second batch was definitely less sour than the one that was left in longer. For my next batch I think I'll check it at the 5 hour mark and see if that makes a difference as well.

Guess what I'm having for lunch?????

Edited to add: I just made up several of variations for our lunch. The picky kid who hated the last batch LOVES this one!! Yaaaay!
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And now you have perfected your very own yogurt method, BB! Some like it tart, some like it sweet. We all can manipulate the process to make something perfect for our own taste preferences. That is what I love about cooking and preparing things myself. My girls love it plain with honey and granola but my baby boy likes it with the juice of frozen strawberries swirled in. Me? I'll eat any way I can get it. LOL
Hubby keeps talking about this last batch I made. For his serving, I added a packet of Splenda and a dribble of vanilla and mixed it all in. Then, I added a couple spoonfuls of some frozen 3-Berry blend that I got at Costco. When the berries were defrosted, they made quite a bit of juice and I spooned that over the yogurt along with the berries. He keeps saying it reminds him of something you'd get in a wonderful restaurant!

Now I'm on a quest to find a zucchini bran muffin recipe that will use some of this wonderful yogurt!
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Made my first batch, came out great. I put it in the fridge at 10 hours. It's a little bit sour so I'll try the shorter times.

Had cantaloup for breakfast filled with the yogurt. Gave some to my chickens with the seeds scooped out of the cantaloup. They wouldn't touch it till I poured it out of the bowl and onto the ground. Then they tore it up. I guess it tastes better with a little dirt mixed in it.

What a great thread! Is it possible to use vanilla flavored starter yogurt? Ordered the things for cheese making and in the process of finding a cooler and jars. Wonder if I can get my husband to eat it, he lives on yogurts.

Found this on a search a
"Posted by terrapots 3b Cent.CA (My Page) on
Wed, Jan 11, 06 at 14:54

If you are still making yogurt here's my favorite and very easy recipe I got when I was watching carbs, which I no longer do. It's super easy and so delicious. No boiling water or milk although lukewarm water gives it a start at 80 or 90 degrees. I use my favorite yogurt as starter so long as it has live cultures in it. Supposedly the yogurt making process consumes the carbs and lowers them to about 4 per cup.
Take a one quart nonmetal container that has a tight lid. I use nonchlorinated water and hold flavorings until using it as some flavorings have alchol and some fruit contains acid.

1 1/2 cups nonfat dry milk
1/4 cup cream or 1/2 cup half and half
1-2 tablespoons yogurt with live cultures
Water to make one quart

Fill container about a third full, add 1-2 tablespoons of yogurt to water and stir to break it up and dissolve into water. Add dry milk with a little more water and stir until all is dissolved. Add cream and remainder of water to fill to one quart. Set in the oven with light on. Ideal temperature is 100 to no higher than 110. My personal preference is a heating pad under a small personal ice chest. Although some people who also make yogurt just leave the container setting out on the counter but most of the time my house is too cool for that.

Have joined the frugle group and located a free cooler yesterday. It is being bleached at the moment.

Also the organic milks in the grocery store were all marked Ultra Pasturized. Ekkkk. Suggestions for cheese making was whipping cream/buttermilk?

Great thread, all my peeps will be happy with this.

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