Homemade Yogurt **Updated** Cheese and Buttermilk

So, you've spent all day at the fair..........


and we are blue in the face from holding our breathe......

I have checked this post like ten times to see if you won....like first place or something on....what was it?

----Drumming my fingers and hoping for the best.
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I don't know! The judging was today but we won't get to the fair before friday or saturday to see if we won anything!

I know it sucks!

But in other news look what I got today!

6 of them! Saanen and Nubian mix. I LOVE them!

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Congrats on the goats! They are so cute!! I wish I could get my DH to fence in an area here. We have about twenty acres in brush that needs cleared out. LOL Lucky girl!!
On another note....I made another batch today just to see what was going on. I really appreciate the photo as mine is just way too soupy. I have followed the recipe today and it just doesn't work. Since I have used three different brands of milk it has got to be the yogurt I am using for a starter! Miss P. I have increased the powdered milk in previous batches, increased the amount of yogurt, omitted the flavoring and sugar to no avail!! I am going to try to get the freeze dried starter this weekend.
Let us know how everything goes with the new members of your family!! They are just so darned cute!!!
Carrie not sure if this will help or not but found a link on thin yogurt.

"1/2 package (1 teaspoon) unflavored gelatin (for thick, firm yogurt only) "

some cool uses for yogurt also in this link

I was wondering on the Lactose free milk and found this info
"Is there a way to make lactose free yogurt and/or cottage cheese?

Will it work with lactose free milk?"

I have to sort of read and re read every thing to remember the basics.

Just realize today ordered the wrong rennet, liquid vs the pills was suppose to get. Must re read the instructions again.

ml, thank you very much. Wait for Miss Prissy to get on line as she will explain the tablets vs. liquid. You can use it, I am sure. She will also answer your questions on the lactose free milk. She knows her stuff here. LOL
I really am going to try a different yogurt as mine looks nothing like Miss Prissy's spoonful. I want mine to look like hers and it just has to be the yogurt. It tastes good but just not the right consistancy. I will get it though.
Ozark Hen,

Just wanted to re-encourage you and let you know that you are not the only one that has yogurt that doesn't turn out perfect.

I made my 10th batch last night and like I said before, only the first 3 of my batches were perfect. My batch I made last night is still a little runny and thin and I really don't know what I am doing wrong!! But try straining your yogurt for a few hours in a collander. This really, really does help! I only had to strain yesterdays batch for about an hour and it turned out thick and beautiful!!!

Try straining it and let me know how it worked out!!

Good luck!

I am so excited to try this!!! I love making my own foods! I can't wait to get a deep freeze and canning stuff for next year's harvest.

I want some goats terribly, but I suppose I can buy the materials for now...I need that acreage in Bloomsdale, MO! Oh, to have 40 acres and a farm house!

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