Homeschooling - SUPPORT GROUP

once your Internet is on, there is a free SAT site that has free practice tests and questions etc. Super helpful
do you have link? we are in the middle of the "study" process for SAT.

Did you know your child who is under 14 can take the SAT and the grade is wiped away unless they do OK and you want to keep it? I am having my son take it just to get used to how it works. He has ADHD and just the process of doing it will help so much in a couple years when he does it for real. If my child wants to Running Start as an 11th grader (where you do 11th/12th at a college) he has to take the SAT as a 10th grader to get into the university Running Start.
Duolingo might be a sight you want to check out. You can go at your own pace and you can learn several different languages.
Duolingo might be a sight you want to check out. You can go at your own pace and you can learn several different languages.
Duolingo is awesome..... I've been learning Russian and Duolingo is one of my main courses I take.... I am not fluent but I can speak some....
once your Internet is on, there is a free SAT site that has free practice tests and questions etc. Super helpful
once your Internet is on, there is a free SAT site that has free practice tests and questions etc. Super helpful

Installation is scheduled for late next guess whoshows up yesterday at my door, passing the "No tresspassing " sign.

SO much for privacy. Had me thinking it is time to move to Alaska
do you have link? we are in the middle of the "study" process for SAT.

Did you know your child who is under 14 can take the SAT and the grade is wiped away unless they do OK and you want to keep it? I am having my son take it just to get used to how it works. He has ADHD and just the process of doing it will help so much in a couple years when he does it for real. If my child wants to Running Start as an 11th grader (where you do 11th/12th at a college) he has to take the SAT as a 10th grader to get into the university Running Start.

In my humble opinion, the more a student can practise the test the better the test reflects their abilites. The SAT tests the ability to manipulate knowledge and reasoning. Without a firm ability to manipulate info, thier knowledge becomes irrelavant.

I am working out of the book myself, to understand how to teach my two. My boys take the MCAS every year and do well as it is only knowledge based and the format is VERY familiar after 10 years. I am applying that same thinking that if a student can become comfortable with the format of the test, they can better show their skills.

I have a ADD son, he speeds thru testing rather than slow down and work carefully, and he is certain he knows the answer. Yes he is good in math, but like most people, doesnt fully understand his abilites or lack there of. ANd this is complicated by teen invincability. lol

Hoping that by working thru a self help book on the SAT he will develop the test taking skills to show his stuff well.

There is also the PSAT and SSAT. The latter is for the 4-8 grades, rather than high school level.

Also, our HS councelor suggested that for advanced math students to take the test early, sophmore year, as the test scores tend to decline when calculus is now the focus. Just need algebra and geometry to take the SAT.
Duolingo might be a sight you want to check out. You can go at your own pace and you can learn several different languages.
Thanks DOnna, we are trying to learn Spanish. I have bought cheap childrens books, early reader types, and added the spanish word. I ,learned alot while using online dictonaries to translate the words like plane, ball, cat, dog.
do you have link? we are in the middle of the "study" process for SAT.

the link is

The stuff on the site is free. you do need to register to use it. You can also use the site to pay for and sign up for real tests.
the link is

The stuff on the site is free. you do need to register to use it. You can also use the site to pay for and sign up for real tests.
Thank you.

I worked a few problems last night for math.....there are definite "tricks" to learn. One was look at the answers to see what kind of answer the test was looking for. THen work the problem to meet the choices. Definitely needs practice to learn the method of testing. Calc was easier than these test questions!! lol

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