
Well, little one and I did our massive potato harvest today...1 small red, 1 red the size of a bantam egg, 1 red the size of a quail egg and 1 yellow potato the size of a bantam egg.
Glad I spent $10 for that massive harvest, it was our first time trying potatoes so we got the "kit" pot that came with 4 kinds of potatoes. Hoping next year I can plant more potatoes at Grandpa's since they normally do great over there. I waited for the tops to die before I dug, like it said to do, maybe I did it too early?

Well, I planted potatoes in five gallon buckets, adding dirt as they grew this year. I ended up with enough small potatoes for two dinners. They were very good, but I was very disappointed with the yields. However, when I researched the idea more, the general consensus was to use red or yellow seed potatoes for abundant success. I just used some russet potatoes that had grown eyes while sitting in my pantry over the winter. Next year I may try the idea again, using seed potatoes and a lot more buckets.
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Well, I planted potatoes in five gallon buckets, adding dirt as they grew this year. I ended up with enough small potatoes for two dinners. They were very good, but I was very disappointed with the yields. However, when I researched the idea more, the general consensus was to use red or yellow seed potatoes for abundant success. I just used some russet potatoes that had grown eyes while sitting in my pantry over the winter. Next year I may try the idea again, using seed potatoes and a lot more buckets.

I've read not to use store bought potatoes because they spray something on them to keep them from producing. That's what happened to us last year. Definitely try seed potatoes next year. I got 2 bags this year and they were nearly rotten in there by the time I got around to them (we moved in early summer this year) but I planted what I could and they are coming up. I just don't expect to get anything productive but it's nice to see them at least growing instead of rotting.
If the tops were brown then that's all they were going to grow. Did you bury them as they grew? I didn't have much luck with potatoes last year, got a lot but not very big. I didn't bury them as they grew because I didn't have enough soil then. This year they went in the ground way too late for me to even hope I'll get something.

Good luck!
I tried to bury them as they grew, but I ran out of peat moss, which is what they said to grow them in and all that they had for potting mix. It was filled to the top of the pot when I ran out of peat, but the top part of the plant only got about 6 inches tall, maybe they needed compost as well. But now I know for nest year's big garden plans. Got some basil planted to hopefully root so I can put it inside for the winter and get more herbs dried up since I use so many it seems. I never kept track of how many herbs I used cooking till I stopped buying spaghetti and store dried herbs. I keep running out of oregano and basil for my tacos and pastas. Going to pick some parsley as well to dry and add to my spice mix, and dry ranch mixture.
I've read not to use store bought potatoes because they spray something on them to keep them from producing. That's what happened to us last year. Definitely try seed potatoes next year. I got 2 bags this year and they were nearly rotten in there by the time I got around to them (we moved in early summer this year) but I planted what I could and they are coming up. I just don't expect to get anything productive but it's nice to see them at least growing instead of rotting.

You can actually plant potatoes in straw bales and they do very well. Dig into the bale about half way down, fill with dirt/potting mix. Fill the hole as the taters grow using soil or straw, whatever is available. If you water them with compost or chicken poop 'tea', that's all the nourishment they need. My neighbor has had great success with straw bale gardening, just make sure the bale are strung pretty tight, not loose otherwise they'll fall apart.
Love the potato thread. I will have to try that next time we plant potatoes. We eat truly tons of potatoes and I would love to grow all of them ourselves.
You can actually plant potatoes in straw bales and they do very well. Dig into the bale about half way down, fill with dirt/potting mix. Fill the hole as the taters grow using soil or straw, whatever is available. If you water them with compost or chicken poop 'tea', that's all the nourishment they need. My neighbor has had great success with straw bale gardening, just make sure the bale are strung pretty tight, not loose otherwise they'll fall apart.

I've seen something similar done with a few T posts, chicken wire and straw or hay. You end up building a potato tower that allows the potatoes themselves plenty of room to grow, you just add a little soil and more straw as the plant part continues to grow upwards. I've seen them 6' tall and once they are done growing you just cut the wire holding the thing together and your harvest tumbles out. We're planning on trying one or two next year for fun.

I posted this accidentally as a new thread but does anyone know where to buy bulk sea salt without iodine?

I used to buy 50 lbs bags of unionized sea salt but I can no longer find where to get it and now I am reduced to buying those little canisters. Anyone else buy bulk sea salt or have an idea where I might be able to get a 50 lb bag?
I posted this accidentally as a new thread but does anyone know where to buy bulk sea salt without iodine?

I used to buy 50 lbs bags of unionized sea salt but I can no longer find where to get it and now I am reduced to buying those little canisters. Anyone else buy bulk sea salt or have an idea where I might be able to get a 50 lb bag?

We used to get something called "Solar Salt" for our water softener, and was told it was just sea salt that had been cleaned. Although that could have been just a sales pitch...
I tried to bury them as they grew, but I ran out of peat moss, which is what they said to grow them in and all that they had for potting mix. It was filled to the top of the pot when I ran out of peat, but the top part of the plant only got about 6 inches tall, maybe they needed compost as well. But now I know for nest year's big garden plans. Got some basil planted to hopefully root so I can put it inside for the winter and get more herbs dried up since I use so many it seems. I never kept track of how many herbs I used cooking till I stopped buying spaghetti and store dried herbs. I keep running out of oregano and basil for my tacos and pastas. Going to pick some parsley as well to dry and add to my spice mix, and dry ranch mixture.

When the time comes that you decide to grow oregano - and it *will* come, if you aren't already.... be very, very careful with it. NEVER let it flower, or it will take over your world. While you'll think there are no mature seeds because the head is still blooming - there are. It's obviously winter hardy to -16 without cover. Mine 'got away from me' four years ago - and what started with three plants now covers over six acres. It's a constant battle in the gardens, and now is nearly a quarter of the vegetation in the bramble area and the orchard. It's probably in the hay fields, too, but until I get yelled at for it, I'm not admitting *anything*.

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