
Rancher-I would try some ribbon/string with either disks hung on them or anything shiny that will move in the wind. Or you can try to put up some netting depending on how big everything is you want to have covered. I have netting over my berry patch but it is only 6'x6' so it is easy to cover.
I have a question for everyone here - I'm starting homesteading, and I need some money to build some fence and a chicken coop, and I was just watching "Homestead Rescue" on discovery channel, and they cut down a big old tree and got about $3,000 worth of lumber from it, so I was wondering if I cut down some of the old trees on my property, would I be able to sell them? And how do you sell them?
I'm in MO if that makes any difference
Thanks! I'll see if I can't find someone who lives near me to help show me which trees sell best and how to cut them down and I'll find out how much interest the lumber mill has in buying.
OH and another question, this time about pigs.. And goats.
I have between .5 and 1 acre of left over pasture I can use to raise animals, now obviously this isn't enough for cows, so I was thinking pigs. I can easily fence it and there's already a shelter that would be easy to turn into a spot for farrowing pens. I also have a garden that produces way too many veggies for me and I will at some point be getting milk (probably more than I'll be able to drink) from my cow. I could put 10 pigs in that pasture easily. But my question is, am I going to make any money raising them? Or would I break even? Or would I lose money?

And if pigs are a no go, is 1 acre enough room to raise any goats?
Yes you can make money from pigs. What I generally see around here is people sell them privately on FB groups or some such. (Having small farm raised meat is very valuable to some, but is more work.) They buy the pig from you, and pay for their own processing. Otherwise you can take them to a sale barn.
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I have a question for everyone here - I'm starting homesteading, and I need some money to build some fence and a chicken coop, and I was just watching "Homestead Rescue" on discovery channel, and they cut down a big old tree and got about $3,000 worth of lumber from it, so I was wondering if I cut down some of the old trees on my property, would I be able to sell them? And how do you sell them?
I'm in MO if that makes any difference

And I should add the type of tree greatly affects the amount if money you will get.

This is true. Some types of lumber are worth more. I would not cut anything until you have done some research into what you have and who will buy it. Be careful who you deal with.

I would also check CL for free materials. A lot can be gotten for free just for hauling it away.

It's always good to have a plan and write things down. One article I read said that you should not go to work without a pad and pen to write things down as you see them. Things to do, what you might plan to do.

You can perhaps sell the extra garden produce. Plant things that will yield an income with the excess.
Thanks! I'll see if I can't find someone who lives near me to help show me which trees sell best and how to cut them down and I'll find out how much interest the lumber mill has in buying.

Find a lumbermill and cut the lumber yourself. You will do better. I own a little sawmill it is great. I am thinking of selling mine though as I do not have that many trees left I want to cut.
This is true. Some types of lumber are worth more. I would not cut anything until you have done some research into what you have and who will buy it. Be careful who you deal with.

I would also check CL for free materials. A lot can be gotten for free just for hauling it away.

It's always good to have a plan and write things down. One article I read said that you should not go to work without a pad and pen to write things down as you see them. Things to do, what you might plan to do.

You can perhaps sell the extra garden produce. Plant things that will yield an income with the excess.

I disagree, I never write stuff down, I keep the plans in my brain. If I forget something I had thought about it was just not that great of a plan.
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