
I only go up north for lots of $ and preferably short periods of time if it's cold. I enjoy going back south for the winter.
Killing more chickens tomorrow, hopefully the last butchering of the year...can't believe I'm still doing this stuff this late in the year. I'm so far behind on things that I think I'm first.

That will thin things down to taking 14 LF through the winter months and that's just about right for this 10x12 coop, especially when snow is deep enough to keep them in the coop for extended periods of time.

After canning up those, I still need to can some pumpkin and squash, then can put that canner away until next season. I'll be glad of that.

Hauled a load of firewood we had split last week and the wood shed is full to the door, but we still need another load to put on the porch...also the latest we've ever been still getting wood in.

Lots of little chores here and there outside still and the weather is finally turning...supposed to get snow Sunday and then temps are going to drop sharply into single digits and such the following week. Need to get a load of hay before then to turn the spare pen into dog central....I make a snug place in there for the dogs and chickens to lounge in when the weather is too cold so they can still be out and about but not have to lounge on the cold ground.
I kept putting off processing my extra cockerels and name I'm just hoping for a nice day to get the job done. I want to get some more pullets but I have to send the boys to freezer camp first. Bee it sure sounds like you've been busy. My husband bought us a rick of wood that practically evaporated, barely lasting past the week. Our stove is not efficient at all. It barely heats but eats wood quick.
I'd rather process in this weather than do it in summer heat. The minute the sun is up, the flies and yellow jackets start in. Last summer, I waited till evening and processed. That came with it's own set of problems. Had to set up a spot light, which attracted these HUGE moths. They were dive bombing me, and getting in my hair, landing on my bird carcass, and buzzing down my shirt. There was one type that actually BIT!
Chicken Girl 15 that's true. The cold front before thanksgiving came in and it was colder at home for the low than at work 800 mls north east. It was much warmer for the high though.
@Chicken girl 15 one's better than what I have, none, and sure saves me buying a bunch of cx and the wait, just to cross with these naked necks. Thanks for saving them.
Yeah processing in the summer heat not fun. I did a dozen this summer and fought a ridiculous number of flies. The one's I did up this fall, no flies.
Yrs ago buddy of mine's pig got out, we had a big party and horseshoe tournament the day before and was playing shoes well after dark, unplugged his fencer to put up lights on the pits. We got the pig back in and plugged the fencer back in, pig walked right through it, had his taste of freedom and electric fence was no longer going to hold him...
Was a little bit on the small side but we butchered him that night when it was a little cooler, still 80s. The flies and mosquitos were ridiculous....
The latest in the summer I've ever processed was near the beginning of July, doing CX birds. We only had 20 to do, so got out there at daybreak when it was still cool and the flies weren't too bad and did half of them before it got warm and the flies started in. Did the same thing the following day. I find early morning butchering seems to work the best, no matter the was the latest in the day I've ever butchered.

Got help today, so that was nice! Mom helped me and we got those 7 last birds done fairly quick, which was great...that wind was cutting through me like a knife. Carcasses chillin' in the fridge for a bit, then I'll start to debone and cook down for stock.

Chickens, dogs and cats got all the good bits to eat, which makes it a nice day for them too. Good and good for them to get some raw meat and bones to chaw on. Then the wildlife will get the hides and entrails, so they get a little of the goodness as well. Makes every creature get a share and that life taken gives energy to it should be.
I did a bird or two every couple of weeks for awhile during the summer and helped someone dispatch her cockerels. I did it as early in the morning as I could. The flies weren't too bad but the ants kept biting my feet and ankles, OUCH! I only have about 5 or 6 left to do now. They are getting bad about attacking DH and DS's. One day I had my grandson on my hip and my granddaughter walking beside me and one ran up and jumped on my ankle, scratching me. I kicked it away a few feet and it left us alone. If I didn't have the babies with me it would be in the freezer now. I can't really tell one from the other because they are very similar. Black sex links cockerels.

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