Hi, I'm just east side of Indy, The father of 5 lovely children and one on the way. I became interested in Poultry at a young age as I spent the summers on the Farm of the late poultry breeder and judge Dale English in Vigo Co. I enjoyed watching the judging and spending time with Dale more than the prospects of showing, not to mention due to being related to him it was advised that I did not show due to conflict of interest, so i never ventured down that path but may do so in the future.

My current project is geared towards improving my Speckled Sussex flock. (We seek to always improve noting that the standard is towards perfection which is NEVER reached.) When selecting a pair for propagation and the choice is hard to make between a couple of birds I go for temperament provided both birds are proper for standard. After tasting my first Sussex bird years ago I became hooked on the breed. Ya' get good layers with Superb meat at the end and they are sweet as can be and lovely to behold. What else could you ask for?

I hope to bring in Brown Sussex from Greenfire as soon as Paul has them available. He told me they are expected to be ready for sale sometime between 2011 and 2012. I am betting on 2012 and
untill then

We just loaned out the 'bator to a friend who hatched 6 of our next gen birds. It was his first hatch and he is very pleased. His brother is now in possession of the 'bator and more of our eggs and should have more of the same gen and parents in a week or so. I'll try to get some pics.
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Does anyone live near Greenwood. My son's friend for whom I hatched some eggs now has two too many roosters. He has a young blue and a splash bbs Orpingtron rooster that he's willing to give away. These are from my line, and they're VERY good. If you want them, let me know when you can come here to get them, and I'll have him bring them here.
I don't have eggs but have a golden sebright trio for sale. The pullets are March hatch and should be laying soon; the cockerel is about the same age. I've decided to skinny down on the number of breeds that I'm keeping.
We will be ready for more birds in a few months, when we have better accomodations for them. Right now we are just making plans. I will keep you in mind.
What would be a good price for hatchery Brahmas that hatched July 7, 2009? I 15 birds total. 1 rooster, 1 buff orp mix hen, ba black sex link hen and the rest are Lt Brahma hens like Little Man (rooster).

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