Why do that? The Captn wants egg layers. I would jump straight to a great egg laying breed. Barred Rocks or EE.

Bantams don't lay eggs???

Bantams do lay eggs, but it is my understanding that they tend to lay 3-4/ week. Unlike many standard breeds that lay 5-7/week. My EE and Barred Rocks rarely miss the 6/week mark.
Just started letting my birds free range this week.

Pretty entertaining stuff. My 3 year old has been chasing them around with handfuls of food saying, "c'mere l'il fella!" and "here chicky chicky..." So he's deffinitely loving it. Fixed the door to the coop as well (make your door open out, it's infinitely easier to deal with.
) I still need to get some updated "hen or roo" pics because now I'm thinking I only have 2 roos and the only one I wanted to be a hen is one of them... *sigh* They are getting to be some pretty good looking birds IMO.
They made it through the awesome weather on Wednesday night w/o any problems (aside from their food getting all soggy and clogging up the feeder).
I'm hoping someone that lives nearby might be able to help me out. I'm looking to add a little more variety to our flock, so I'm searching for some pullets to add or even laying hens if the price is reasonable. My husband would love a maran and I would love some more orpingtons of any color. But I'm pretty much open to anything that will lay a large egg. Please send me a message if you have anything for sale I might be interested in. Thanks.
Welcome to BYC and Hoosiers forum! You can check the 'For Sale" section or just keep checking back here. Indiana folks are always posting here when they have some available birds. I have a dark cornish hen available but she is a bantam. You can pm me if your interested.
Your tag line cracks me up! My great-grandparents were from Tangier and I have an Aunt and Uncle that live there now (Vanada). Small world this is.

I can't help you out this year unfortunately. This is my first year with these chickens...next year I should have a nice variety I will be able to help. (I know that doesn't help though!)
I have a pair of chocolate call ducks and a blue call duck for sale. I am asking $25 for the pair of chocolates and $15 for the blue hen. I will take $35 for all three. I also have a few LF Lavender Ameraucana cockerels for sale. They are $20 each. I hatched them out this winter from my own birds.
I have for sale:
1- 5 month old blue silkie roo $15

5 silkie chicks 4-6 weeks $7 each or all 5 for $20( I partridge lavender split, 1 white 1 blue 2 black.)

Younger silkies chicks $5 each I'm not sure how many there are but buy them all and I'll make you a deal (mostly blues)

Pr. Sport old english Game bantams $20 for both

Older silkies 6 wks - 3 months $10 each or all 9 for $75 (white splash & 1 blue)

3 white showgirls $15 each or all 3 for $ 35 (2-4 months old.)

3/4 bantam Ameraucana chicks $3. each, They are from a pure black ameraucana roo, and a 1/2 Ameraucana frizzle hen she lays a blue green egg)
Other chicks are from my project pen same roo as others, but from a 1/2 ameraucana hen, she lays a blue egg Will make a deal if you buy all of them.
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