Ok, so I make sure I understand (gosh, I feel very ignorant
)... Do they have coops already set up that you pay for? What does the "outside setup" consist of? Or do we bring our own animals in their cages and make our own coop/setup? I really do appreciate everyone's help. I'm still trying to learn everything I can about everything I can about chickens.

I believe no such thing as ignorant as we all learn through asking questions. That's what these wonderful people are here for to help each other.That's whats so wonderful is that if someone doesn't know somebody else usually does
So, I did some research on lowering the temp. Unfortunately, I found this article:

The effect of temperature on the sex of the offspring is related to reptile eggs (such as alligators) and not for birds.
The sex of a bird is determined genetically and is set before the egg is even laid. Unlike mammals, however, it is the female bird that determines the sex of the offspring and not the male. In mammals the male is heterozygous (XY) and the female homozygous (XX) so that the male is the only parent with the Y gene which will result in a male offspring. In birds the female is heterozygous (ZW) and the male is homozygous (ZZ) so that the female determines the sex of the offspring.
While the sex of the chick is determined before the egg is laid, research has shown that male and female embryos may differ in their sensitivity to suboptimal conditions during embryo development. As a result, the ratio of males and females that actually hatch can vary depending on incubation conditions. This is because the ratio of males and females that do not hatch is affected not because the sex of the embryos was changed by the temperature (as happens with some reptiles).

I'm not from Missouri but I definitely have a "show me" attitude. When I hear of something that someone swears by, I generally want to test it myself as long as no damage is being done to determine whether it's simply coincidental correlation or actual cause and effect. Wow, am I starting to sound pedagogical or what? Must be too early in the day for me to make any real sense!
I'm not from Missouri but I definitely have a "show me" attitude. When I hear of something that someone swears by, I generally want to test it myself as long as no damage is being done to determine whether it's simply coincidental correlation or actual cause and effect. Wow, am I starting to sound pedagogical or what? Must be too early in the day for me to make any real sense!

I have family in poplar bluff and doniphan,very pretty state.
I am planning on going to the Gateway Poultry show in Bloomington Saturday. I am wondering if anyone has been before and what to expect. Are there things for sale (not that i need any more chickens)?


My name is Ryan Moorefield and I live in Argos, Indiana. I raise Ameraucanas, Barred Rocks, Araucanas, Rhode Island Reds, Black Australorps and Cornish Cross. I am 15 and in FFA. I have only owned chickens for 1 year and I have learned a lot. No one else in my family owns chickens. I also have my first ever hatch due Monday so wish me luck and hope to hear back soon. The pic below is my pride and joy. His name is Richard and he is a pure breed Ameraucana.
Hello Ryan, gorgeous roo! I may have to look up Argos and come and get some blue wheatens! I just had 0 out of 18 wheatens hatch so hope
you have much better luck than I did.

My name is Ryan Moorefield and I live in Argos, Indiana. I raise Ameraucanas, Barred Rocks, Araucanas, Rhode Island Reds, Black Australorps and Cornish Cross. I am 15 and in FFA. I have only owned chickens for 1 year and I have learned a lot. No one else in my family owns chickens. I also have my first ever hatch due Monday so wish me luck and hope to hear back soon. The pic below is my pride and joy. His name is Richard and he is a pure breed Ameraucana.

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