Horizontal Nipple Watering

Any tips on teaching the birds to use it? I have four 7 week old chickens that I've started leaving outside during the day, and I just hooked up a PVC set up with horizontal nipples 4 days ago now, but I still haven't seen them use it. I've left their chick waterer out because I'm worried about them dehydrating. Am I going too easy on them? Should I pull the easy water so they figure out the nipples?
They work in any of those size pipes. Your problem is not the nipples it's the pipe. Some PVC is very hard so you need to tap the hole for 1/8" pipe.
What size pipe? I tried 1/2 inch and couldn't get it to start. I have several 1/2,1/2,1/4" tees that work well but it would be nice to just drill in pipe. Much cheaper.
I am taking different path. I am going to install direct to the 55 gal plastic barrel. The barrel is about 1/4" thick.

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