Horse near foaling advice?


In the Brooder
5 Years
May 13, 2014
So my mare was "due" last Tuesday (which i know doesn't mean much.) this is her first foal.. early last week she definitely had a little wax in her nipples and her bag was bigger. So I got excited and moved our 2mini donkeys to a different pasture just in case... well despite her being pretty grumpy towards them at baseline, she suddenly was heartbroken at their absence! Galloping up and down the fence whinneying for them... and then the wax in her teets disappeared and she starts looking less like she's going to foal...
does that sound possible? That she was progressing towards labor and stopped bc I moved the donkeys? Should I move them back? They are really gentle Jenny's but sometimes they chase the dogs so that's why I moved them
Yes- the change in/removal of her herd would be perceived as a stressor and could cause her to backtrack a bit in her preparation for foaling. Are they in a pasture that shares a fence line or are they more removed than that so that she can't still feel "near" them even in a separate but adjoining field?
It's not far, about 50 yards away.. they could still see each other.. but I just moved them back to her pasture and am going to stall them at night.. she's calmed down a lot.. I think it'll help... . hopefully she'll relax and we'll have a baby soon

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