Yeah, it wasn’t as much the yelling, but I don’t want to learn from someone who… Idk what to call it. Not abuse but still not great. So now I’m looking again.
Yeah it sounds awful especially hitting them and yelling at everyone. Sounds stressful
Depends on what you mean by "hitting." Sometimes they need a gentle tap in the booty to get going.
Yeah it’s very subjective to the situation. Flogging is very different to a cue from a whip in dressage or liberty work.
Well yeah, of course. I’m not talking about gentle taps or cues. The way she worded it made it seem like they were being hit hard or beat or something so that’s what I was referring to. I don’t consider taps or cues hitting.
Well yeah, of course. I’m not talking about gentle taps or cues. The way she worded it made it seem like they were being hit hard or beat or something so that’s what I was referring to. I don’t consider taps or cues hitting.
Yeah I get that. Hitting is very different to a gentle tap to remind the horse to keep going. I remember my second pony came from a home where the girl used to hit her harshly with a whip just because she could.

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