We def pay for it! 😅
Yes, we do ... but it's nice having options all around us. DD works at a high-end horse farm that uses New Bolton for emergencies. She's used the research and teaching resources on occasion, as well (the only way she can afford that level of care, for sure!) Still, it's great having that expertise to draw on when she needs it!
So overnight, Samantha managed this rad hairstyle. 🤦‍♀️

View attachment 3373794
Is that a mass of burrs in that lovely topknot? In case anyone has to deal with those, the best (and least hair-damaging) way to get them out is to crack them with a pair of flat pliers. It breaks them into a mass of tiny slivers that can be easily finger-combed out without damaging of further tangling the hair.
I learned this the hard way. My heart-horse was a burr-magnet. Any time he went out into the "big field," Billy came back with a solid mane and tail. After trail rides, he often sported a mighty mass in his forelock. Friends would laugh because I carried a pair of mini pliers in my pocket alongside my hoof pick!
Is that a mass of burrs in that lovely topknot? In case anyone has to deal with those, the best (and least hair-damaging) way to get them out is to crack them with a pair of flat pliers. It breaks them into a mass of tiny slivers that can be easily finger-combed out without damaging of further tangling the hair.
I learned this the hard way. My heart-horse was a burr-magnet. Any time he went out into the "big field," Billy came back with a solid mane and tail. After trail rides, he often sported a mighty mass in his forelock. Friends would laugh because I carried a pair of mini pliers in my pocket alongside my hoof pick!
Sure is! Cockleburs and hay. Great tip! I'll have to video how I get them out. Super easy as well.

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