Hi horse people! I see this thread is a bit active again, how is everyone and their horses??

I've frustratingly been unable to ride because I got my wisdom teeth out last week, but I'll be back in the saddle soon! In the meanwhile, I've just been spoiling my girl rotten and she's been loving her little mini vacation.

I still can't get over how darn good Ginger has been looking, either. 😍Her weight and fitness has been up and down since last year, when she was lame and off work on and off for nearly the entire year because of the arthritis and navicular disease in her foot. Thankfully after careful management, she's been back in work for a while now and living her best life! I think she could definitely be in better shape, because I know her workload and it's pretty light right now, but she's a wonderful weight so I'm happy with that.

I hope everyone else's horses are looking their summer best. :)


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Hi horse people! I see this thread is a bit active again, how is everyone and their horses??

I've frustratingly been unable to ride because I got my wisdom teeth out last week, but I'll be back in the saddle soon! In the meanwhile, I've just been spoiling my girl rotten and she's been loving her little mini vacation.

I still can't get over how darn good Ginger has been looking, either. 😍Her weight and fitness has been up and down since last year, when she was lame and off work on and off for nearly the entire year because of the arthritis and navicular disease in her foot. Thankfully after careful management, she's been back in work for a while now and living her best life! I think she could definitely be in better shape, because I know her workload and it's pretty light right now, but she's a wonderful weight so I'm happy with that.

I hope everyone else's horses are looking their summer best. :)
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OhMaGosh ... the very THOUGHT of riding soon after wisdom tooth surgery makes me cringe ... and makes my own mouth hurt! Wishing you a speedy recovery.
This came up in my feed:
You posting these videos means I get to offer my inexperienced, unsolicited opinion, right? :idunno I'm so far from a dressage expert, only ever done Eventing dressage, where my level of counter-canters are on a 20m circle, you only ever do one flying change in each direction, and pirouettes are at the walk.
But the first video - I know they got amazing scores, but I don't like how the judges scored so high at the extended trot for the horse flinging its front legs out so dramatically. I guess it indicates lightness of the forehand, but extended trot's supposed to be more about power from the hind end, which was great but it seemed like they were getting extra points for showmanship. And the horse's walk after the test was done and they were listening to the announcer compliment them after their test, was miles better than their walk work during the actual test.
Second video: So amazing, I loved this. This horse in the extended trot was reaching out with its front legs, not flinging them. Granted this was a higher-level test than the first horse. Pirouettes were so beautiful, the horse was stationary because it was using the power from its hind end. The whole test seemed really relaxed with the horse happy and going on forward energy.
Third video: Obviously a lot of improvement from the first part when it was resisting (rollkured to death? who knows) to the second test, but it was still over bent, not relaxed, twisting its tail. I wish we could see who rode it before this rider, hopefully we will see its better progress in the future.
Yeah, if I could choose (fat chance, LOL) which one to pick, it would be the second one.
I still can't get over how darn good Ginger has been looking, either.
Yay Ginger! So happy to hear about her. She looks great - so happy and healthy.

Hi horse people! I see this thread is a bit active again, how is everyone and their horses??

I've frustratingly been unable to ride because I got my wisdom teeth out last week, but I'll be back in the saddle soon! In the meanwhile, I've just been spoiling my girl rotten and she's been loving her little mini vacation.

I still can't get over how darn good Ginger has been looking, either. 😍Her weight and fitness has been up and down since last year, when she was lame and off work on and off for nearly the entire year because of the arthritis and navicular disease in her foot. Thankfully after careful management, she's been back in work for a while now and living her best life! I think she could definitely be in better shape, because I know her workload and it's pretty light right now, but she's a wonderful weight so I'm happy with that.

I hope everyone else's horses are looking their summer best. :)
View attachment 3605133

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