It's not so easy to adopt, you have to have right set up, time and lot's of patience ti handle them. It is sad. I spent most of the majority of my adult life rescuing, and taming/training wild and abused horses.
Just out of curiosity I was looking at the adoptable page on the mustang website and it’s so sad the vast majority of them don’t have any bids 😭😭😭 also most have been there basically their whole lives 😭 like captured fall 2020 for one and he was only 2-3 so his whole life. Some were 4 but yeah. So sad and I want to adopt them all😭
It's not so easy to adopt, you have to have right set up, time and lot's of patience ti handle them. It is sad. I spent most of the majority of my adult life rescuing, and taming/training wild and abused horses.
Yeah, that makes sense. And wow that’s awesome!
Just out of curiosity I was looking at the adoptable page on the mustang website and it’s so sad the vast majority of them don’t have any bids 😭😭😭 also most have been there basically their whole lives 😭 like captured fall 2020 for one and he was only 2-3 so his whole life. Some were 4 but yeah. So sad and I want to adopt them all 🤣😭
You can still have a "wild" mustang. All you have to do is join the rescue chain. Contact a rescue that takes in the wildies and gentles them for adoption. It's still a rescue for you, because taking a gentled horse home frees up space for the rescue to start another one.
Y'know, Dawg ol' buddy ... if you ever find yourself in Maryland or thereabouts, I'm pretty sure DD can arrange a farm visit. If I had to pick a "best time, I'd have to say late Spring ... cuz, YOU know ... babeez!
That would be awesome!!! Thanks!!
You can still have a "wild" mustang. All you have to do is join the rescue chain. Contact a rescue that takes in the wildies and gentles them for adoption. It's still a rescue for you, because taking a gentled horse home frees up space for the rescue to start another one.
Excellent idea!! Thanks!!

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