Hosing down the girls in HOT Weather.......YAY or NAY


11 Years
Jun 27, 2008
Mountain Home, AR
Just getting opinions here..........it's so dang hot. I have fans out in the run and coop. Keep giving them cool treats. Cold tomatoes, Cold yogurt and Cold melon.

I feel for them.....I can't be out in it for more than 5 minutes.

Should I hose them down? They seem to hate it but it might help. Does the water actually cool them with so many feathers?


try pans of water (shallow) with ice cubes or frozen water bottles in there.
even just scattering frozen water bottles around the run.
cooling their feet cools them off, so the pans of water should help. i'd change the water out a few times a day at least.
i saw someone post that they put some ice cubes out in the run for the chickens to scratch in, she says her hen scratches in it, breaks up the ice, and she cools off on that cool patch of ground.

i've read posts of some people who hose down, some of the chickens liked it, some tolerated it, some hated it. can't help you there, i've never tried it.

there are a bunch of ideas on here about this heat issue. not sure how to search, but maybe scroll through the emergency or disease area.

good luck!
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Thanks Marie. I put frozen water bottles in the waterers and change it 4 times a day. The index here in AR in 115 right now. Been doing the ice cube thing too. They are suffering though.

A few days ago I scattered frozen water bottles in the run and they wouldn't go near them.

I even have a fan blowing on the Meat Chicks.
It's 103 here in Bellville TX today, and I just lost a hen to the heat. By the time I noticed she was in distress, it was too late to save her.

I've been spraying the run with water a couple of times a day, and I have a mister hooked up to the fence, so it sprays out into the run. Once the hens figured out that it was cooler there, that's where they stay, even though they get slightly wet.

I've listed a dozen ways to keep chickens cool here: http://www.countrychickens.com/country_chickens_4_007.htm

summer the heat is unbearable, and we haven't had a drop of rain in several months. I wish us both luck!

Kathy, Bellville TX
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You could try setting up a sprinkler for a bit where they would have the option of taking advantage or not. A sprinler will cool the air around it and give them a few worms to chase. To dirrectly hose them down though seems like it might be too much stress on them when they are already stressed from the heat.
Can't hurt to try the kiddie pool. I tried it, but mine wouldn't get in there. However, they do enjoy a good mud puddle. So when I sprinkle the run (something I'm about to go for the second time today), I fill up a couple of their dust bath holes with water.

Oh, and I sprinkle their feed too. They seem to go nuts over wet mash, and I'm sure the extra water is a good thing.

Kathy, Bellville TX

PS: I never spray them directly with water.

here today, too. Heat index 110.

ETA: But, even in this heat, I've received three eggs since 06/22 (first egg!) and today's was 48 grams compared to the first one at 34 grams. They are from the same EE'r.
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It's roasting here in CA today too (last check 103). Per many suggestions on BYC I tried the frozen water bottles in their runs and am pleased to see the girls laying up against them. They still look miserable but I'm hoping they are at least a little bit cooler.

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