
My chickens all lined up on the edge of the pond watching the ducks swim around.
You could see the green jealousy fumes rising from their feathers
105. ALL. DAY. LONG! I was outside at a ranch, leading horses all day so I decided a pool bath was necessary around 4. Not even that refreshing since the water was less 'pool' and more 'bath'. I went to Ace and bought a mister for the chickens. They didn't like it. I figure I'll set a timer up and tie it to the top of the coop so that they get misted during the hottest times of the day, like it or not.
It is 10 p.m. here and still 90 flippin degrees - the heat index today was 115 - the temp was 100. Stupidly HOT! - After about 98 degrees though - I'm not sure any degree after that matters - until boiling. It didn't stop my stupid roosters from jumping every that bent over (or not) but it did stop me from wringing their necks. I think it was a contest to see who was hotter and crabbier - me - or them.
98 on my back deck at 4 p.m. I am ready for winter such as it is in ac is set on 76 and when I come in from working outside I am actually cold...I have been cooling pools and misting chickens all is really bad when the water in the duck pools is hot to the has been so hot early in the year and it is old...I have six dogs at the moment and they are all laying up in the house during the day...the back deck was so hot this afternoon when they came back from a potty break, they were dancing on the boards as their feet were was another four shirt day...


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