
It's amazing to think about how you're experiencing well below-freezing weather, and over here most of us are burning up... I've always wondered how it is celebrating Christmas in summer weather.
What do you use for decorations? Probably not snowflakes, snowmen, or Santa with snow!

BTW, yes, reading your post somehow made me feel cooler...
My mum cooked a roast turkey dinner with all the trimmings for years after we came to Australia, and I have done it a few times, not a lot of fun to cook when you dont have air conditioning. We have the same decorations as you do, just no cool weather or snow, Christmas in July is popular here as you get to eat a Christmas dinner when its cold
if you want to find out what its like, try Christmas in July.But a lot of people just go to the Beach and have a picknic or bbq,at Christmas. Wow thinking about Christmas makes me feel warmer LOL
It aint that hot here but the Humidity makes up for it.. It is so thick outside that you are literally gasping for air five minutes out the door... I HATE this weather... Its only supposed to be 90 but with an 89% humidity today, at 6:00 am the humidty had my clothes soaked before i even got in the car...
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Highs in the mid nineties and 100% humidity here until sometime in October. Very thick, heavy air. More like swimming.

This is what I use to feel cooler for a while...


The palm tree outside my desk window, last February.

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