Hot2Pot's Grandchick Thread... chick brother/sister chat~a~long!!! (:

They are so cute, Ambrosia. Your lighter "golden laced wyandottes" seem even lighter than mine.

As much as I adore my chickens, I have come to the conclusion that they are pooping machines, so I'm not surprised they messed up their photo shoot.

I have very sad news. My dh was trying to do chick physical therapy for me this morning so I could sleep in. He found that her leg had stiffened up to where he couldn't get her leg to bend the way it was supposed to. She also couldn't stand up at all. As he watched, he also saw that the other chickens were really starting to peck at her and pick on her. He was carrying her around to keep her away from them, and she actually seemed to be relieved that she was out of the tank and off her feet. He knew I'd been toying with the idea of euthanizing her, and after spending some time with her this morning, strongly felt this was the most humane thing for her. He woke me up and told me his thoughts, and we culled her together. I'm really sad, but I really do think it was the kindest thing for her.

The pale ones are actually not lacing at all, more like barred...? I'm a little confused at this, but I am a newbie, so I am hoping some lacing shows up soon

I'm so sorry to hear about Hulksmash...
if she wasn't happy then I understand it was the right thing to do... my wee chick that struggled at birth is still WAY tinier than the rest of the flock, so I'm hoping he will be okay.
He looks like a little bantam in comparison! He isn't getting picked on, but when the rest of the chicks pile into a corner (to get away from me when I clean) he ends up at the bottom of the pile. So, I am a little worried that he will get smashed and I will find him expired one morning when I look in on them....
I can feel your pain on that one.... I had 18 babies hatch 2 were not dry so I opted to leave them all in the hatcher..... came in the next morning.... ALL DEAD!!!!! the hatcher was 113*
no survivors. I had 12 leghorn/EE crosses (layer flock) and 4 lav split/2 lav Ameraucanas. From now on when they are dry they go in the brooder NO EXCEPTIONS, EVER AGAIN!

I have some of Hot2Pots babies in the incubator now, going into lockdown on Wednesday.
I fixed the hatcher issue I hope. We put a new WHT in friday and yesterday it was rock steady yesterday. I have DB, BR and SLW

Oh my goodness... how sad for you!!! Good luck on your latest hatch... we will all be pulling for you and the new chicks....
Donna, OMG I am so sorry. That would just be crushing. I'm in tears reading what happened. How devastating. My condolences to you.

I never wanted to euthanize Hulksmash. She was my favorite. I was spending at least an hour or two a day on physical therapy with her, and I wanted so badly for her to be ok and grow up in my flock. As upset as I am about it, I really do feel it was the kindest and best decision. And, even though I've devoted hours upon hours to Hulksmash, I think you have it worse, Donna.
Thank you both. I am ok.... it was just a malfunction that was out of my control. I am going to do everything in my power to make sure it does not happen again. I have some digital thermostats ordered with a cooling option so if the temps get to high again it can activate a fan to cool it off.
My egg order from Hot2Pot hatched this weekend although they started on day 19 which was Thursday. 33 hatched but 2 died so I have 31 romping and stomping in their purple swimming pool. I have a 14x24 metal building where I have the pool along with all of my goat equipment and feed so it is a busy place.
They are so cute, Adillenal! I love that they're in a pool. I wish I had a devoted place to keep chicks. Mine are on the dining room table for now, but they're soon going to go to the storage room in a rubbermaid tote. LOL
My egg order from Hot2Pot hatched this weekend although they started on day 19 which was Thursday. 33 hatched but 2 died so I have 31 romping and stomping in their purple swimming pool. I have a 14x24 metal building where I have the pool along with all of my goat equipment and feed so it is a busy place.

Too cute!
Loving those babies!!! Looks like you have quite the variety for lawn ornamentation!!!
Where do you put them when they can hop up on the side of the pool? Or out? I dunno how many times I have looked in the last couple days and a chickie is standing on TOP of the brooder and just looking around like "wohoo ooops...lookie what I did" and that was with a little hole cause the lid was slid over to much and he aimed and flew OUT! course mine are what three maybe 4 weeks old now.
Or better still right now they love to have "Flight" practice!
They are getting big so very fast...Glad I have incubators full! And more planned. I don't mind having them in the house when they are little but I have some that could go in the shed or somewhere I think they are way to little to go to the big that is out....just trying to get a good System in place...newborns go into the baby brooder,after a week or so go into the bigger brooder more room to explore and then as they get bigger I can put the bigger ones in there into a huge water trough tote thingy I raided from my horses...Then we are kinda stuck, where do they from there, "BEFORE " they are READY to go into a run and coop of their own? Be nice if y'all had some ideas about it...
Hot's Baby B/A of ours is THE cutest thing ever! and there is a little one that was marked R but his wings are coming in tan and SOMETHING I will post a pic maybe later today so y'all can see. super cuties these last babies of HOT's cant stand the wait for the next batch...I'm walking a hole in the floor making sure the durn Temps STAY more Wammies!
Where do you put them when they can hop up on the side of the pool? Or out? I dunno how many times I have looked in the last couple days and a chickie is standing on TOP of the brooder and just looking around like "wohoo ooops...lookie what I did" and that was with a little hole cause the lid was slid over to much and he aimed and flew OUT! course mine are what three maybe 4 weeks old now.
Or better still right now they love to have "Flight" practice!
They are getting big so very fast...Glad I have incubators full! And more planned. I don't mind having them in the house when they are little but I have some that could go in the shed or somewhere I think they are way to little to go to the big that is out....just trying to get a good System in place...newborns go into the baby brooder,after a week or so go into the bigger brooder more room to explore and then as they get bigger I can put the bigger ones in there into a huge water trough tote thingy I raided from my horses...Then we are kinda stuck, where do they from there, "BEFORE " they are READY to go into a run and coop of their own? Be nice if y'all had some ideas about it...
Hot's Baby B/A of ours is THE cutest thing ever! and there is a little one that was marked R but his wings are coming in tan and SOMETHING I will post a pic maybe later today so y'all can see. super cuties these last babies of HOT's cant stand the wait for the next batch...I'm walking a hole in the floor making sure the durn Temps STAY more Wammies!
I was going to ask the same thing.. mine are doing the run-jump-fly thing right now, so today is Build Bigger Brooder day....

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