House Divided by Religion

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If the world had more kind hearted folk like him I wouldn't be so wary of new neighbors
The contractor deal is a little murky, he may hope to be 'more' than a great friend but the hubby thing is truly frightening in my opinion. I I would be prepared to defend myself and my kids at all costs. Sounds like someone who has gone over the edge...religion or no.
I got the same feeling. He or them are plotting something. It was nagging at me almost. I was about to post it, and saw you already did.

Strawberry..... I'm glad to see you have posted, and I finally got all caught up. You did the right thing! There is a little voice inside you, telling you, something isn't right. Listen to it. Never doubt it. Like coyote said....Don't meet with him anywhere by yourself.

I went thru all this like you are now. Same reasons as yours. You did the right thing. It's all downhill from here


It's kinda strange, but when I read Coyotemagic's post I thought the contractor was being spoken of. Then when I read Bluemoon's reply, again (for some reason) I thought the contractor was being spoken of. Of course after reading each message I realized it was the husband being spoken of. Odd.

But, I'm like Katy...5 acres and a newly built logcabin far exceeds a $200 a month payment...and in this economy.?? Independently wealthy contractor...I guess he's just building cabins for a hobby??? Strange. Read all the fine print, Strawberry.

Best wishes...hope things work out well for you and yours,
Ummm... why wouldn't you get part of the proceeds from the house you were sharing? Were you renting? If you own (or you and the bank own), you should get part of the house sale when the divorce is final. Wouldn't you?

Be careful.
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