house painting precautions?


In the Brooder
Apr 24, 2017
Northern CO
Hi all,

We're having our house painted soon, and the coop happens to be in close proximity (due to zoning ordinances, it was really the only place we could put it in our small backyard. The estimator did mention that they'd try to be careful around the chickens, as the fumes could make them there anything I can do to mitigate any possible damage to them? I thought about at least wrapping tarps around the run, but it's not like I can truly stop paint particles floating through the air.

Thanks in advance!
Can you crate them up and move them for the day?

Otherwise as long as the winds aren't blowing directly at the coop they may be fine. Though the commotion may frighten them, so I might still crate and move them for the day.
I take it they are spraying painting the house instead of brushing?
Tarps will help if you can't move them
Thanks, y'all. I'll definitely tarp, but see if I can at least move them into the garage for the times that they're actively spraying the backside of the house.

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